Guide to bio-safety procedures for dental practices during the COVID-19 pandemic
Rethinking Health with Covid-19 Lessons and Challenges
Este e-book que integra estratégias de três Projetos PROADISUS (Lean nas Emergências, Reab pós-COVID-19 e Cuidados Paliativos) e expõe temas relevantes, relacionados à necessidade de retorno seguro de atividades hospitalares, em paralelo ...à crise que a pandemia ainda impõe a todos os serviços de saúde. Abordaremos estratégias para a reativação ou retomada de serviços hospitalares em paralelo à presença do SARS-CoV-2.
TB situation in vulnerable populations. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) vol.13 no.1 Itauguá jun. 2021
La pandemia de covid-19 ha afectado la detección y tratamiento de pacientes con TBC en Paraguay que lejos de ser una enfermedad erradicada, es motivo de preocupación sanitaria y sigue afectando a miles de ...personas, si bien se inician actividades de campo con apoyo del PNCT para la búsqueda activa, seguimiento de casos y control de contactos en comunidades indígenas y asentamientos, estas tareas no son continuas debido al aumento de los casos de covid-19 en el país, que favorece el temor a acudir a los hospitales para el diagnóstico, a sus controles e incluso se ve afectado el retiro de los medicamentos. En el marco de la pandemia, es probable que aumenten los fracasos terapéuticos con el consiguiente desenlace fatal, por lo que debe hacerse una revisión de las estrategias dirigidas a poblaciones vulnerables con un compromiso verdadero del sector político, sumado a una fuerte colaboración multisectorial e intercultural para lograr el fin de la TBC
This study aimed to analyze the geographical distribution of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and to identify high-risk areas in space and time for the occurrence of cases and deaths in the indigenous population of Brazil. This is an ecological study carried out between 24 March and 26 October 20...20 whose units of analysis were the Special Indigenous Sanitary Districts. The Getis-Ord General G and Getis-Ord Gi* techniques were used to verify the spatial association of the phenomena and a retrospective space–time scan was performed. There were 32 041 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 471 deaths. The non-randomness of cases (z score = 5.40; P < 0.001) and deaths (z score = 3.83; P < 0.001) were confirmed. Hotspots were identified for cases and deaths in the north and midwest regions of Brazil. Sixteen high-risk space–time clusters were identified for the occurrence of cases with a higher RR = 21.23 (P < 0.001) and four risk clusters for deaths with a higher RR = 80.33 (P < 0.001). These clusters were identified from 22 May and were active until 10 October 2020. The results indicate critical areas in the indigenous territories of Brazil and contribute to better directing the actions of control of COVID-19 in this population.
Climate change also affects human health by increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme heat events. Increases in
the overall temperature of the atmosphere and oceans associated with climate change cause changes in wind, moisture, and heat circulation patterns. These changes contribute to shi...fts in extreme weather events, including extreme heat events.
Climate change has important implications for the health and futures of children and young people, yet they have little power to limit its harm, making them vulnerable to climate anxiety. This is the first large-scale investigation of climate anxiety in children and young people globally and its rel...ationship with perceived government response.
Mortality due to enteric infections is projected to increase because of global warming; however, the different temperature sensitivities of major enteric pathogens have not yet been considered in projections on a global scale. We aimed to project global temperature-attributable enteric infection mor...tality under various future scenarios of sociodemographic development and climate change.
The Lancet Planetary Health Volume 5, ISSUE 7, e436-e445, July 01, 2021
The brief highlights some findings as part of a project on Innovation for Cancer Care in Africa (ICCA)1. The study provides insights on the experiences of 62 Tanzanian cancer patients, the journey from their first symptoms to the point of diagnosis and treatment. The project brings together research...ers from Tanzania, Kenya, India and the United Kingdom to address the opportunities and challenges of linking industry and health systems to widen access to cancer care in Tanzania and Kenya.
This report uses the Food Systems Dashboard’s conceptual framework to
define and describe food systems. It summarizes the components, drivers,
and outcomes of food systems. The report also describes the food system
typologies used in the Dashboard
Con la propagación de la enfermedad por el coronavirus del 2019 (COVID-19) entre la mayoría de los países del mundo, y ante la falta de una cura o vacuna, la información es una herramienta vital para que las personas adopten las medidas de prevención existentes para protegerse y salvar vidas. E...n este contexto, los medios de comunicación tienen un papel esencial a la hora de informar sobre la COVID-19, con responsabilidad ética ya que las personas probablemente escucharán sus consejos. En este documento se procura brindar herramientas para que los periodistas puedan realizar una cobertura responsable de la pandemia y brindar información basada en la evidencia. También se proponen enfoques para la cobertura y se incentiva a que el periodismo aporte consejos y soluciones que contribuyan a reducir los riesgos para la salud y salvar vidas.
In an effort to limit transmission and achieve pandemic control on the continent, Africa CDC is proposing the following measures to be taken by all Member States:
Remain vigilant
Countries should adapt or adopt best practices, strategies, guidelines and recommendations proposed by the Africa CDC... and World Health Organization (WHO), aimed at limiting transmission. Measures taken should strike a balance between saving lives and minimizing the impact of the pandemic on the economy and social wellbeing of citizens.
This document is part three in a series of explainers on vaccine development and distribution. Part one focused on how vaccines work to protect our bodies from disease-carrying germs. Part two focused on the ingredients in a vaccine and the three clinical trial phases.
This document outlines the... next part of the vaccine journey: the steps from completing the clinical trial phases through to distribution.
The purpose of this guide is to offer recommendations for improving the implementation of non‑pharmacological public health measures during the COVID-19 response and compliance with these measures by population groups in situations of vulnerability. This requires determining the main barriers to i...mplementing these measures so that we can identify the groups and territories most affected during the different phases of the pandemic. With this objective in mind––and within the framework of an equity, human rights, and diversity approach––, policies, strategies, and interventions to accompany the implementation and flexibilization of the measures are recommended to ensure that no one is left behind.
Open Journal of Nursing, 2020, 10, 617-635
Se espera que el Panorama 2020 ayude a visibilizar los desafíos de los territorios con peores indicadores en términos de alimentación y nutrición, y que sirva para movilizar el compromiso político y la atención pública en los lugares que sufren mayores rezagos respecto a los promedios naciona...les. Al igual que en ediciones anteriores, también se proporciona información sobre las políticas y los programas que los países están desarrollando para enfrentar todas las formas de malnutrición.
El año 2020 se recordará durante muchas décadas por la pandemia provocada por la COVID-19. Los indicadores de la Agenda 2030 que se utilizan en esta publicación aún no recogen los distintos impactos del nuevo coronavirus. Pero en cada uno de los capítulos y secciones que siguen se hace referencia a algunas de las posibles implicaciones de la pandemia para el futuro.
Practical Guide to Occupational Health Management for Covid-19
A Associação Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho – ANAMT e a Secretaria de Gestão do Trabalho e da Educação em Saúde – SGETS/MS, considerando as ações governamentais das instâncias federal, estadual, distrital e municipal para... o enfrentamento da pandemia da COVID -19; as atualizações de protocolos clínico-epidemiológicos da OMS, OPAS, do Ministério da Saúde e as regulamentações publicadas pelas demais autoridades sanitárias brasileiras, resolvem elaborar um Guia Prático de Gestão em Saúde no Trabalho para nortear o Plano de Contingência durante a Pandemia de Covid-19 e a retomada das atividades econômicas no país, com vistas à segurança à saúde do trabalhador e do ambiente de trabalho.
Orientations provisoires, 4 novembre 2020