Osoianu and Halacu BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14(Suppl 4):P8 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/14/S4/P8
From The 7th Romanian National HIV/AIDS Congress and The 2nd Central European HIV Forum Sibiu, Romania. 29-31 May 2014
Follow up to the Maseru Declaration. ZIMBABWE COUNTRY REPORT
Reporting Period: January 2013 - December 2013
The Emergency Ministerial meeting on Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) with Health Ministers agreeing on a range of priority actions to end the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The scale of the ongoing outbreak is unprecedented with reports of over 750 cases and 445 deaths in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia... since March 2014.