As the crisis in Syria moves into its second decade, a survey commissioned by the International Committee of the Red Cross highlights the heavy price paid by young Syrians.
1,400 Syrians between the ages of 18-25 were surveyed in Syria, Lebanon and Germany. Across the three countries, young peopl...e spoke of families and friendships torn apart, immense economic hardship and worry, frustrated ambitions, missed milestones and the profound psychological toll of years of relentless violence and disruption.
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There has been a significant reduction in the number of displaced people - with 73,296 people currently hosted in 70 accommodation centres; down from 142,327 people the week before.
A total of 4,979 cholera cases were recorded in Beira, Dondo, Buzi and Nhamatanda and the death toll has reached eigh...t.
With UNICEF support, 814,293 people were vaccinated against cholera representing 99 per cent of the target population.
UNICEF continues supporting FIPAG (the water supply institution),
Government and operators to run water supply systems in affected areas providing drinking water to 771,856 people
Much remains unknown about displaced communities in out-of-camp areas as identification constraints hinder knowledge on the overall situation and preeminent needs of an area. When compared to regularly monitored in-camp populations, less is known about the health, sanitation, livelihoods, food secur...ity, nutritional status, protection situation, and school attainment of out-of-camp populations.
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Данный документ служит ориентиром для органов общественного здравоохранения по реагированию
на COVID-19 на национальном и региональном уровнях и вносит актуальные ...бновления в глобальную стратегию
реагирования на пандемию COVID-19. Данный документ дополняет технические рекомендации по обеспечению
готовности и реагированию на COVID-19, опубликованные ВОЗ со времени начала принятия мер, и содержит ссылки
на них.
Updated fighting strategy aigainst Covid-19
Country report
UNAIDS Series: Engaging uniformed services in the fight against AIDS
Case Study 2
The guidebook can be used by any care giver who comes in contact with children on a daily basis and who have the primary or secondary responsibility of taking care of the children. Parents, teachers, anganwadi workers, child care institutions, hospitals can use this guidebook to help a child who is need of care and protection. This guidebook can also be used by those who meet a child by accident who is in need of protection immediately. They can follow the steps mentioned in the guidebook that can be followed to help the child in need. Paragraph about the child protection systems with an objective of creating a safe and safe environment of children, the state has established systems at center and district level which one can go to for providing protection of children. These systems contains various bodies, units, schemes and law which create a safety net for children.
A Review of the IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cresent Societies) Secretariat Recovery Shelter Programme in Haiti 2010-2011