If you have COVID-19 and are caring for someone or yourself at home, what is the treatment protocol? What is WHO’s guidance on Remdesivir and convalescent plasma therapy? How to monitor oxygen at home and what are the red flags when you should call the doctor? WHO’s Dr Janet Diaz explains in Sci...ence in 5.
WHO recommends interpersonal therapy (IPT) as a possible first line treatment for depression. With this new manual, the World Health Organization (WHO) gives guidance on the use of interpersonal therapy (IPT) using a 8 session group protocol. The manual - which is part of WHO’s mhGAP programme - d...escribes IPT in a simplified format for use by supervised facilitators who may not have received previous training in mental health.
Available in Swahili and Farsi
Introduction, preparations to submit, submission procedure, requirements, main narrative of the protocol, definition of terms. | For Research and ethics clearance in Lesotho
Version 1.7 Updated October 14, 2010 | Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT) is a theory-driven, manualized protocol based on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with modifications for young children. Some of these modifications involve parent-child relationship dynamics that are salient for this age grou...p.
Practical Guide to Occupational Health Management for Covid-19
A Associação Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho – ANAMT e a Secretaria de Gestão do Trabalho e da Educação em Saúde – SGETS/MS, considerando as ações governamentais das instâncias federal, estadual, distrital e municipal para... o enfrentamento da pandemia da COVID -19; as atualizações de protocolos clínico-epidemiológicos da OMS, OPAS, do Ministério da Saúde e as regulamentações publicadas pelas demais autoridades sanitárias brasileiras, resolvem elaborar um Guia Prático de Gestão em Saúde no Trabalho para nortear o Plano de Contingência durante a Pandemia de Covid-19 e a retomada das atividades econômicas no país, com vistas à segurança à saúde do trabalhador e do ambiente de trabalho.
Entretanto, à luz da possível introdução de um caso suspeito relacionado ao COVID-19 na Região das Américas, a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde/Organização Mundial da Saúde (OPAS/OMS) recomenda que os Estados-membros garantam sua identificação oportuna, o envio de amostras a laborat...rios nacionais ou de referência e a implementação do protocolo de detecção molecular do COVID-19, dependendo da capacidade do laboratório. Até à data, o potencial patogênico e a dinâmica de transmissão do COVID-19 não são completamente claros. Por esta razão e à luz do conhecimento de outros vírus semelhantes (MERS-CoV, SRA-CoV), é necessário manter e reforçar as medidas de biossegurança e os equipamentos de proteção individual para o trabalho com amostras suspeitas de infecção com patógenos respiratórios.
En enero de 2020, el agente etiológico responsable de un grupo de casos de neumonía grave en Wuhan, China, fue identificado como un nuevo betacoronavirus (2019-nCoV), distinto del SARS-CoV y MERS-CoV (1) (2) (3). La secuencia genómica completa de este nuevo agente está disponible y se han desarr...ollado diferentes protocolos de detección, aunque aún no se han validado por completo. Sin embargo, a la luz de la posible introducción de un caso sospechoso relacionado con el 2019-nCoV en la Región de las Américas, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud / Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS / OMS) recomienda a los Estados Miembros garantizar su identificación oportuna, el envío de las muestras a laboratorios Nacionales o de referencia y la implementación del protocolo de detección molecular para 2019-nCoV, según la capacidad del laboratorio.
Hasta la fecha, no es completamente claro el potencial patogénico ni la dinámica de transmisión del 2019nCoV. Por esta razón y a la luz del conocimiento de otros virus similares (MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV), es necesario mantener y fortalecer las medidas de bioseguridad y elementos de protección personal para el trabajo con muestras sospechosas de infección con patógenos respiratorios.
El objetivo del presente documento consiste en ofrecer
orientaciones provisionales sobre la definición de los casos
de SGB y las estrategias para tratar el síndrome en el
contexto del brote de virus de Zika y de su posible relación
con el SGB. Asimismo, pretende servir como base para la
elab...oración de protocolos clínicos y políticas sanitarias
locales relacionadas con la atención a los pacientes con
SGB. En marzo de 2016 se organizará una reunión de
expertos para elaborar más orientaciones sobre la
identificación y el tratamiento del SGB y otros posibles
trastornos neurológicos en el contexto de la transmisión del
virus de Zika.
medPPE est une application pour les dispositifs Android et iOS dans laquelle les personnels de santé trouveront les informations nécessaires sur les équipements de protection individuelle (EPI), suggérés par l'OPS/OMS, qui doivent être utilisés selon la fonction et l'activité réalisée dans... le cadre de la prise en charge de patients atteints de maladies transmises par gouttelettes et par contact, telles que la COVID-19, ou lors de procédures génératrices d'aérosols.
Les mesures d'hygiène des mains et les procédures d'habillage-déshabillage pour l’utilisation de l’EPI, ainsi que les protocoles d'élimination et de gestion des déchets doivent être suivies. La diffusion d’information et la formation du personnel de santé et des responsables administratifs, ainsi que la signalétique, l’information et l’éducation des patients et de leurs proches sont tout aussi importants.
Vous pouvez télécharger le application pour iOS et Android
En este manual se presenta un método estandarizado para realizar, desde los centros de salud, encuestas transversales que permitan calcular los costos directos e indirectos que afectan a los pacientes con tuberculosis y a sus hogares, a partir de la experiencia acumulada con un instrumento diseñad...o previamente y un protocolo piloto probado por la OMS. El manual está dirigido especialmente a los programas nacionales de tuberculosis y a las entidades que colaboran en la planificación, ejecución, evaluación e Investigación operativa de los programas de tuberculosis.
Also available in English.
Esta nueva edición del Informe sobre control del tabaco en la Región de las Américas presenta la situación actual y las tendencias de la epidemia del tabaquismo en la Región de las Américas, así como de la aplicación de seis medidas efectivas para combatirla conoc...idas como el paquete de medidas MPOWER. El informe cuenta con las contribuciones de autores invitados, quienes comparten sus puntos de vista sobre temas de alto interés para la Región, como es el Protocolo para la Eliminación del Comercio Ilícito de Productos de Tabaco, la regulación de nuevos (y viejos) productos y lecciones aprendidas. El informe incluye además una sección con perfiles de país, en la que se muestra el estado de aplicación de las seis medidas en cada uno de los 35 Estados Miembros de la Región.
Pharm - Ed
La solution hydro-alcoolique (SHA) pour l'hygiène des mains fait partie de la liste OMS des médicaments essentiels. La production locale de la SHA est une alternative aux produits commercialisés. Bien qu'elle soit adaptée aux contextes avec ressour...ces limitées, il est essentiel de respecter les règles de bonnes pratiques de fabrication afin de garantir la qualité, l'efficacité et la sécurité du produit.
Cette vidéo pédagogique complète la leçon e-learning sur la formulation et la fabrication de la solution hydro-alcooliquedisponible gratuitement en lciquant sur le lien suivant: https://pharmed.datapharma.ch/courses.... Les protocoles de fabrication, la liste du matériel nécessaire pour la production, les modèles de compte-rendu de fabrication sont également disponible gratuitement sur la plate-forme Pharm-Ed
Vous pouvez désormais suivre pas à pas les étapes de préparation et du contrôle qualité de la SHA en visionnant les chapitres suivants:
00:00 Introduction
01:12 Documentation
01:55 Habillage
03:16 Préparation de la place de travail
04:41 Mesure
07:19 Mélange
09:52 Contrôle qualité
13:45 Conditionnement et étiquetage
15:41 Mise en quarantaine et nettoyage
Pour d'avantage d'informations rendez-vous sur
Pharm-Ed est une initiative de la Pharmacie des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève en Suisse.
Dans le plan stratégique de lutte contre le paludisme 2011-2015 révisé en 2013,
le Burkina Faso a retenu les axes stratégiques suivants: la prise en charge des
cas de paludisme, le traitement préventif intermittent du paludisme chez les
femmes enceintes et les enfants, la chimio prévention ...du paludisme saisonnier
(CPS), la lutte contre les vecteurs, la gestion de l’approvisionnement des
produits de lutte contre le paludisme, la communication, le suivi-évaluationrecherche et la gestion du programme.
Directives nationales de prise en charge du paludisme 6
L’objectif des présentes directives est de standardiser les protocoles de prise en
charge du paludisme dans le but de contribuer à la réduction de la morbidité et
de la mortalité liées à cette maladie. Ces directives traitent spécifiquement de la
définition de cas, de la classification des formes cliniques, des modalités de prise
en charge des cas, des modalités de la prévention du paludisme pendant la
grossesse et chez le nourrisson, et enfin du suivi-évaluation des activités de
prise en charge du paludisme.
The Cartagena Declaration on Refugees was adopted by the Colloquium on the International Protection of Refugees in Central America, Mexico and Panama on November 22, 1984. The declaration is a non-binding agreement but has been incorporated in refugee law in various countries. The Cartagena Declarat...ion on Refugees bases its principles on the “commitments with regards to refugees” defined in the Contadora Act on Peace and Cooperation (which are based on the 1951 UN Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol).
It includes a range of detailed commitments to peace, democratization, regional security and economic co-operation. It also provided for regional committees to evaluate and verify compliance with these commitments.
This document contains the Spanish, French and English versions of the original text.
This manual is addressed to health care providers dealing with Mycobacterium ulcerans disease (Buruli ulcer). The manual aims to achieve a better understanding of the disease, its clinical presentation and its surgical management. The manual is aimed particularly at district health care providers. A... comprehensive protocol, adapted to each form and stage of the disease, is presented together with comments on the levels of resources and capabilities necessary
to shorten the length of treatment, to prevent complications and to minimize undesired sequelae and thus to obtain the best possible outcome for each patient. Some sections include advice relevant to surgeons (e.g. relating to bone infection). However, the level to which particular comments are intended to apply should be clear from the context.
Interpeace has been working with the government and non-governmental actors in Rwanda for over 20 years, focusing on societal healing and participatory governance. Currently, Interpeace is implementing a holistic peacebuilding programme titled ‘Reinforcing community capacity for social cohesion an...d reconciliation through societal trauma healing in Rwanda’. This programme has four pillars: mental health and support; social cohesion and reconciliation; collaborative livelihoods; and prisoner rehabilitation and reintegration.
Interpeace and its partners have collaborated with national and international experts to design structured psycho-social interventions, scientifically known as ‘protocols’, which aim to support healing and peace processes. These protocols include resilience-oriented therapy, adaptations of sociotherapy, multifamily therapy, the collaborative livelihoods (COLIVE) protocol, the prisoner rehabilitation and reintegration curriculum, and the socio-emotional skills curriculum.
These protocols guide interventions in healing spaces for Genocide survivors, Genocide perpetrators, former combatants, and their descendants. They facilitate mutual healing and reconciliation, strengthen the mental resilience of individuals and communities, promote family cohesion, and address the intergenerational transmission of Genocide legacies. They also underpin initiatives to develop collaborative livelihoods and skills development, and the psychological rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners, particularly those convicted of Genocide crimes.
Schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths (STH) infections are major public health problems. We aimed to study the 6-mo impact of mass drug administration with praziquantel and albendazole on urinary schistosomiasis and STH.We examined children (aged 2–15 y) from one hamlet, who provided urin...e and faeces samples at baseline (n=197), 1 mo (n=102) and 6 mo (n=92); 67 completed the protocol.At baseline, 47/67 (70.1%) children presented Schistosoma haematobium (75.8% in the baseline total sample) and 12/67 (17.9%) with STH (30.5% in the initial sample, p=0.010). Among the children, 47.3% had heavy Schistosoma haematobium infection. The most frequent STH was Trichuris trichiura in 9.0%. We also found Hymenolepis nana (13.2%) and Plasmodium falciparum (9.1%) infections and anaemia (82.1%). One mo after chemotherapy there was a significant (p=0.013) reduction of Schistosoma haematobium prevalence (23.5%) and a high egg reduction rate (86.9%). Considering the sample of 67 children, the mean egg concentration was 498 at baseline, 65 at 1 mo and 252 at 6 mo (p<0.05). We also observed a reduction in STH infections, 50% in Ascaris lumbricoides, 33.3% in T. trichiura and 50% in hookworms. At 6 mo, the prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium (76.1%) was similar to the baseline and the STH reduction was not significant.Longitudinal studies have reported many losses in these settings, but we were able to show that mass drug administration for control of schistosomiasis and STH present low effectiveness, that reinfections occur rapidly and that stand alone anthelmintic therapy is not a sustainable choice.
Millennium Development Goal 8E aims for affordable access to essential medicines. Essential medicines, as defined by WHO, are those that “satisfy the health-care needs of the majority of the population” and that should therefore “be available at all times in adequate amounts”. However, there... is a category of medicines that faces a unique challenge in terms of availability. These are the medicines governed by the international conventions on narcotic and psychotropic substances. “Controlled medicines” is the common definition for pharmaceuticals whose active principles are listed under the 1961 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs as amended by the 1972 Protocol, such as morphine and methadone; the 1971 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances, such as diazepam and buprenorphine; and the 1988 United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, such as ergometrine and ephedrine. The conventions list substances in “Schedules” according to their different levels of potential for abuse and harm, and the commensurate severity of control measures to be applied by countries.
This guidance addresses rationale, risk-based scenarios, practical considerations prior to adoption of the self-testing products, quality assurance, safety and ethical considerations, and data management considerations for COVID-19 self-testing. The Africa CDC recommends the use of rapid antigen sel...f-testing within two key scenarios. The first includes testing for case identification within scenarios with a high risk of infection, including symptomatic cases and contacts of a confirmed case. The second scenario involves general screening within scenarios of low or unknown risk exposure allowing for self-care such as before gatherings with at-risk individuals and prior to participation in events involving members of different households. Within these scenarios, a positive test result indicates likelihood of current infection, while a negative test result indicates a lower risk of active infection, though it does not rule out infection altogether. All positive cases should be managed following the national COVID-19 management protocol of Member States.ssur
FIND conducted independent evaluations at the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG), to verify the limit of detection (LOD) and the clinical performance (as reported by the manufacturers) of the following molecular test kits. The LOD analysis was performed using cultured viral stocks from a clinical ...isolate from Switzerland, and quantified using an E gene standard. The clinical performance analysis was conducted on extracted samples from individuals suspected to have COVID-19 that were tested using an in-house PCR protocol that was optimized based on the Tib Molbiol assay.