Health Systems in Transition. Vol. 5 No.3 2015
Comprehensive public health action on population ageing is urgently needed. This will require fundamental shifts, not just in the things we do, but in how we think about ageing itself. The World report on ageing and health outlines a framework for action to foster Healthy Ageing built around the new... concept of functional ability. Making these investments will have valuable social and economic returns, both in terms of health and wellbeing of older people and in enabling their on-going participation in society
Executive summaries : Arabic; Chinese; English; French; German; Japanese; Portuguese; Russian; Spanish
Euro Surveillance 2014;19(47):pii=20970, p.31-37
The use of the World Health Organization Health System Performance Assessment Framework
La prise en charge de la tuberculose représente un véritable défi en milieu carcéral et l’organisation de la continuité des soins à la sortie un enjeu majeur. Comme tout être humain, les détenus ont le droit de jouir du meilleur état de santé physique et mental possible. Ce droit est gar...anti par l’article 25 de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme adoptée par l’Organisation des Nations Unies, et par l’article 12 du Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels. Ce travail fait un état des lieux sur la prise en charge de la tuberculose en milieu carcéral au Sénégal, depuis les stratégies de dépistage jusqu’à la continuité des soins après la sortie de prison.
Medicina (Kaunas) 2013;49(7):335-40
NSP Review
Engaging with South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, STIs and TB Edition 7 July – August 2013
A publication of the Treatment Action Campaign and SECTION27
GeneXpert: An imperfect rollout
TB in South African prisons: Where to now?
Decentralising DR-TB care: How far alon...g are we?
African Health Sciences 2013; 13(2): 219 - 232
PLoS Med 10(1): e1001366.
Published: January 8, 2013
Research Article
BMC Infectious Diseases 2012, 12:262; doi:10.1186/1471-2334-12-262
A resource for improving menstraul hygiene around the world.
Comprehensive guidance with examples of good practice, information for colleagues and pupils in class and tips on how to break the taboo
This revision covers the main non-communicable diseases in Mozambique as well as the National Strategic Plan's aim to create a positive environment to minimize or eliminate the exposure to risk factors and guarantee access to care.
This report explores the reasons why global health is critical to medicine and what this means for medical education. It argues that an understanding of global health is important for all students and practicing doctors, rather than being an ‘add-on’ or ‘option’ for specialization.
Global Health. 2011 Apr 18;7:8. doi: 10.1186/1744-8603-7-8
Results: Currently, ‘new’health challenges and educational needs as a result of the globalisation process are discussed and linked to the evolving term‘global health’. The lack of a common definition of this termcomplicates attempts... to analyse global health in the field of education. The proposed GHE framework addresses these problems and presents a set of key characteristics of education in this field. The framework builds on the models of‘social determinants of health’and‘globalisation and health’and is oriented towards‘health for all’and‘health equity’. It provides an action-oriented construct for a bottom-up engagement with global health by the health workforce. Ten indicators are deduced for use in monitoring and evaluation.
Special issue: Mental Health Challenges in Lithuania
Nos. 1-2 '11
Chapter · January 2009 DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72711-0_25
D.D. Celentano and C. Beyrer (eds.), Public Health Aspects of HIV/AIDS in Low and Middle Income Countries, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72711-0 25, c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008