Über 1200 Vokabeln und komplexe Begriffe zu Beschwerden, Untersuchung und Behandlung praxis- und patientengerecht in einfachen Bildern mit mehrsprachigen Untertiteln,
erweitert und überarbeitet, ausführliche Untersuchungen, Therapieerläuterungen und Pflege.
Der Patient guckt sich „seine“... Bilder aus und tippt sie beim Arzt an. Der Arzt wiederum kreuzt die Therapie und Medikation an. So ist man über Notfälle hinaus auch für die Regelversorgung präpariert, kommt exakt auf den Punkt, Vertrauliches bleibt vertraulich. Der Patient wird sofort aktiv eingebunden.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR):
The Japan Committee for UNICEF (JCU) has for years endeavored to disseminate important information about children in developing countries and UNICEF’s various assistance programmes there, as well as to fundraise to support those programmes. Unprecedented damage caused by the East Japan Earthquake,... however, forced us to ask ourselves what we could do to help, and we wasted no time in contacting UNICEF Headquarters in New York.
Teachers' Exercise Book for HIV Prevention
Document 6.1
This booklet contains all the participatory learning experiences that are included in the Training and Resource Manual on School Health and HIV and AIDS Prevention. It is to be given to all teachers who receive training as part of the EI/WH...O School Health and HIV Prevention Project. Other groups may wish to copy and use the materials in this document to help adults and students prevent HIV infection and related discrimination.
This document outlines the evaluation process that WHO undertakes to assess novel tools and strategies targeted at VBDs. Its aim is to articulate the linkage between the generation of evidence that demonstrates public health impact of novel interventions, and the development of policy recommendation...s based on the generated data. The document defines standards for the evaluation process, as well as the steps that an applicant needs to undertake, along with some guiding principles that aim to support applicants in the development of submissions with WHO.
Ce rapport montre que d’importants progrès ont été accomplis en 2015 pour atteindre les cibles de la feuille de route. Ces résultats procèdent de la mise en œuvre de cinq interventions recommandées par l’OMS pour vaincre les MTN : chimiothérapie préventive ; prise en charge innovante et... intensifiée de la maladie ; écologie et gestion vectorielles ; services de santé publique vétérinaire ; et approvisionnement en eau sans risque sanitaire et services d’assainissement et d’hygiène.
Obesity and diabetes are affecting the peoples of the Americas at high and increasing rates. National surveys demonstrate that obesity is increasing in prevalence among all age groups; 7% to 12% of children under 5 years old and
one-fi fth of adolescents are obese, while rates of overweight and obe...sity among adults approach 60%. Obesity is the major modifi able risk factor for diabetes.