The power relations around global decisions which shape population health can be changed through new alliances and information flows. The Democratising Global Health Governance Initiative, of which WHO Watch is a project, is designed to contribute to improved population health (and health equity) th...rough new alliances and information flows.
The Early Childhood Development Policy and its Strategic Plan seek to provide a framework to ensure such a holistic and integrated approach to the development of young children. International research has demonstrated the high economic returns on ECD investment and its positive impact on health and outcomes as well as the overall economic development of a nation. The implementation of the ECD Policy will thus provide Rwanda with the basis for achieving the objectives and goals of the EDPRS and Vision 2020.
Pharmaceutical profile of DRC
Борьба с туберкулезом представляет собой одну из ведущих областей, в которых ведется регулярный сбор информации, которая измеряет самые критические показатели вы...ходных данных и результатов, используемые при составлений отчетов на уровне отдельных стран и всего мира.
Consolidated Guidelines
Geneva, 2016
The End TB Strategy