síntesis de hallazgos en cinco países de América Latina
Nursing Care Protocol for adult patients with COVID-19 without respiratory complications
an approach to optimize the global impact of COVID-19 vaccines, based on public health goals, global and national equity, and vaccine access and coverage scenarios, first issued 20 October 2020, updated: 13 November 2020, updated: 16 July 2021, latest update: 21 January 2022
Available in English, F...rench, Spanish
Em vista do aumento repentino do número de hospitalizações causadas pela pandemia de COVID-19 na América Latina e no Caribe, bem como da escassez de recursos humanos e materiais, como equipes médicas e gases medicinais, é necessário reformular os modelos de atenção na Região de modo a otim...izar o que já está disponível e garantir que mais pacientes recebam oxigênio na quantidade necessária e com a qualidade adequada O oxigênio consta na lista de medicamentos essenciais da Organização Mundial da Saúde sendo usado na atenção a pacientes em todos os níveis das redes integradas de serviços de saúde. Considerando que já está comprovada a eficácia do uso de oxigênio no tratamento de pacientes com afecções respiratórias causadas pela COVID-19, há uma grande oportunidade de melhorar a efetividade caso se promova seu uso racional, sustentável e seguro.
It aims to enable participants to:
know more about reactions to distress
know what psychological first aid is and what it is not
understand the three action principles of ‘Look, Listen and Link’
have practised providing PFA to someone in distress
have considered comple...x reactions and situations
be aware of the importance of self-care when helping others.
This training module is one of four on psychological first aid, which accompany a set of materials on psychological first aid
t aims to enable participants to:
know more about children’s reactions to distress
know what psychological first aid for children is and what it is not
understand the three action principles of ‘Look, Listen and Link’ in relation to children
have practised providing PFA t...o a child and caregiver in distress
have considered complex reactions and situations
be aware of the importance of self-care when helping others.
Documentos Téchnico Normativos
The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Legal Framework comes before the Specialized Technical Committee on Health and Drug Control for adoption and endorsement. The IPC Legal Framework is designed to guide Member States in the review and strengthening of laws and policies that support IPC at bot...h the national level and in healthcare facilities. In developing this IPC Legal Framework, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC)
is furthering its mandates to harmonize disease control and prevention policies and promote the prevention and control of diseases by building capacity of public health institutions in Members States.
El presente documento contiene los requisitos mínimos necesarios para el trabajo seguro en la red de laboratorios de TB del país, de acuerdo a las directrices emanadas del Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de TB, correspondiente a la Sección Micobacterias en el Instituto de Salud Pública.
La ...estructura de la red de laboratorios se muestra en la siguiente tabla, con distintas denominaciones de acuerdo al criterio empleado para categorizarlos.
Serie: Documentos Técnico normativos
This document provides interim guidance to countries on testing considerations and strategies for suspect cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children. It is primarily intended for clinical, programmatic, laboratory and diagnostic stakeholders across Member States and national pu...blic health authorities involved in the identification and investigation of cases of severe acute hepatitis in children.
This document is part of a package of guidance for this event, which includes suggested minimum reporting variables and a clinical Case Report Form support Member States with case investigation and reporting.