Le Plan National de Développement Sanitaire (PNDS) est la traduction de la Politique nationale en matière de santé. Le présent PNDS 2018-2022est fondéentre autres surle Plan National de Développement (PND), le Plan de Croissance pour le Développement Durable (PC2D), la politique du Secteur de... la Santé,les Objectifs deDéveloppement Durable, les conclusions et recommandations de l’évaluation à mi-parcours du PNDS2009-2018, le PAG 2016-2021 et le rapport de la Commission Techniquechargée des Reformes du secteur de la Santé (CTRSS
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“Continuum of HIV services refers to a comprehensive package of HIV prevention, diagnostic, treatment, care and support services provided for people at risk of HIV infection or living with HIV and their families”
August, 2018
Volume 12 Number 4 July 2017
Technical Update
HIV Treatment
July 2017
May 2018
HIV i-Base
ISSN 1475-2077 www.i-Base.info
Watch for out-of-date information
First questions
You and your doctor Resistance and adherence Treatment choices
Transforming the Quality of Health Care in Ethiopia
The Global Reference List of 100 Core Health Indicators is a standard set of core indicators prioritized by the global community to provide concise information on the health situation and trends, including responses at national and global levels.
This second (2018) edition builds on the previous ...work of the inter-agency working group that was commissioned by global health leaders to reduce reporting burden. The 2018 list of indicators contains modifications and additions to indicators and metadata elements to reflect the recommended health and health-related indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals, including universal health coverage.
"This document has been developed for outpatient oncology
facilities to serve as a model for a basic infection
control and prevention plan. It contains policies
and procedures tailored to these settings to meet minimal
expectations of patient protections as described
in the CDC Guide to Infecti...on Prevention in Outpatient
For biological agents, the publication covers 11 bacteria,
fungi and viruses listed by states parties to the Biological
Weapons Convention in declarations of past offensive
research and development programmes, or considered of
special concern for possible use in terrorism. All of these
agents c...an cause natural disease in humans, though with
markedly different frequency.
Final Draft narrative December 6, 2012 - This strategic plan, developed through the joint collaboration of all stakeholders in the different sectors is aimed at harnessing and bringing together all the stakeholders who have a role in the prevention, detection and management of epidemic and infectiou...s diseases in the country. The plan describes the common epidemic and infectious diseases, the measures that need to be undertaken to ensure their control, the key partners and their roles and sets out milestones to monitor progress.