Report of the Review Committee on the Functioning of the International Health Regulations (2005) in relation to Pandemic (H1N1) 2009
PLoS Medicine Vol. 6 no. 10 (2009) e1000165
November 3, 2009
PLoS Med 6(11): e1000176.
WHO/ESCAP Training Manual on Disability Statistics | This training manual intends to enhance the understanding of the ICF-based approach to disability measurement. It provides an overview of the ICF framework as well as guidelines on how to operationalize the underlying concepts of functioning and ...disability into data collection, dissemination and analysis.
Improve identification, verification, communication and coordination.
Neurology Asia 2006; 11 : 1 – 4
Review article
Informations importantes pour les jeunes mères. Document disponible en arabique, bengali, chinois, francais, gujarati, hindi, italien, mirpuri, polonais, portugais, punjabi, russe, somali, espagnol, tamil, turc, urdu. Pour les autres langues allez voir
"The aim of this book remains as for the first edition, namely to provide an initial point of ready
reference for the identification of hazards and precautions for dangerous chemicals. It is targeted
not only at those in the chemical and process industries, but also anyone likely to work with
che...micals within industry and in the service sector, e.g. hospitals, universities, research laboratories,
engineering, agriculture, etc. "