A Field-Based Assessment of Formal and Informal Procedures and Practices
IACAPAP Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Child psychiatry & pediatrics
Chapter I.1
Somatoform disorders
The number of general health staff skilled in psychological treatment for depression is limited, and learning psychological treatments tends to require considerable training and supervision. Relaxation may be a relatively simple form of psychological treatment. It has been frequently studied in rese...arch studies as an active condition and as a control condition.
Q 5: Is relaxation training better (more effective than/as safe as) than treatment as usual in adults with depressive episode/disorder?
DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 27 : 390–403 (2010
NSW Health Disaster Mental Health, handbook 3
The Disaster Mental Health Manual and associated handbooks are intended as a resource for mental health staff who are seeking background information and practical guidance and resources to assist in a disaster mental health response.
Los profesionales de la salud se encuentran con familias, bebés y niños pequeños en una amplia variedad de entornos y circunstancuass. El examen de la salud mental, problemas emocionales y sociales debe ser una parte necesaria de toda evaluación de la salud y el bienestar. El grado en que la sal...ud mental será el foco estará determinado por el entorno y el propósito de contacto con el bebé, el niño y la familia
The case is intended to be used as the basis for group work and class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a Medical Peace Work situation. This is one of seven Medical Peace Work courses.
Barriers to the prompt and effective diagnosis and treatment of malaria exist at both the community and health facility level. Household surveys measure malaria case management at the population level with standard indicators that assess treatment-seeking behavior, access to diagnostic testing, and ...access to appropriate treatment. Performance on these indicators varies widely from country to country. Among countries with Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) or Malaria Indicator Surveys (MIS) completed between 2014 and 2016, advice and treatment was sought for a median of 47% of children under age 5 with fever.
Making the Case for Alcohol as a Public Health Threat in the Region. The purpose of this document is to explain the need for making alcohol a top public health priority in the region and the need for national and regional action. Current evidence-based research shows that alcohol consumption and dri...nking patterns in the Americas are at damaging levels, with the region surpassing global averages for many alcohol related problems.
Q 4: Is behavioural activation better (more effective than/as safe as) than treatment as usual in adults with depressive episode/disorder?brief, structured psychological treatment in non-specialist health care settings better (more effective than/as safe as) than treatment as usual in people with de...pressive episode/disorder?
Conjunto de Guías sobre Servicios y Politicas de Salud Mental
Editores Médicos, s.a. EDIMSA. 2005
Le suicide est évitable. Pourtant, toutes les 40 secondes, une personne se suicide quelque part dans le monde et bien plus tentent de mettre fin à leurs jours. Aucune région ni aucune tranche d’âge n’est épargnée. Il touche toutefois particulièrement les jeunes de 15 à 29 ans, chez qui i...l constitue la deuxième cause de mortalité à l’échelle mondiale
NSW Disaster Mental Health Handbook 1
The Disaster Mental Health Manual and associated handbooks are intended as a resource for mental health staff who are seeking background information and practical guidance and resources to assist in a disaster mental health response.
This manual provides a practical method for determining the pharmacovigilance indices. It is designed to be simple and can be understood by any worker in pharmacovigilance without formal training in monitoring and evaluation. Pharmacovigilance as a medical discipline is crucial in preventing medicin...e-related adverse effects in humans, promoting patient safety, and the rational use of medicines. The indicators proposed in this manual are based on the expected functions of pharmacovigilance centres as described in the WHO Mimimum Requirements for a Functional Pharmacovigilance System (1) (see Annex 1 of the manual).
Supplement to the Healthcare Waste Management Toolkit for Global Fund
Practitioners and Policy Makers