BMJ Global Health2020;5:e002914. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002914
The evidence produced in mathematical models plays a key role in shaping policy decisions in pandemics. A key question is therefore how well pandemic models relate to their implementation contexts. Drawing on the cases of Ebola and in...fluenza, we map how sociological and anthropological research contributes in the modelling of pandemics to consider lessons for COVID-19. We show how models detach from their implementation contexts through their connections with global narratives of pandemic response, and how sociological and anthropological research can help to locate models differently. This potentiates multiple models of pandemic response attuned to their emerging situations in an iterative and adaptive science. We propose a more open approach to the modelling of pandemics which envisages the model as an intervention of deliberation in situations of evolving uncertainty. This challenges the ‘business-as-usual’ of evidence-based approaches in global health by accentuating all science, within and beyond pandemics, as ‘emergent’ and ‘adaptive’.
This technical guidance outlines current evidence, knowledge and best practice relating to incidences of violence and injuries among refugees and migrants in the WHO European Region. It highlights key principles, summarizes priority actions and challenges, maps existing international commitments and... frameworks and provides practical policy considerations for preventing and responding to such challenges. Specific areas for intervention include ensuring safe passage for migration; addressing causes of violence and injuries in transit and destination countries, including changing norms and values; identifying victims and providing care and protection; investigating and prosecuting perpetrators; and strengthening the knowledge base. While the main intended audience of this technical guidance series are policy-makers across sectors at local, national and regional levels, the contents of this publication will also be of value for health-care practitioners and law enforcement and border protection officials.
Ce guide a été préparé par le Bureau des activités pour les employeurs (ACT/EMP) de l’Organisation internationale du Travail et contient des recommandations sur les mesures pratiques et les méthodes à mettre en oeuvre en matière de santé et de sécurité pour la prévention du COVID-19.
Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak
A recent article published by NPR reporting how trusted faith leaders, in this case nuns, have a workable system to transmit health messages in local languages in Zambia. They have broadcast information on maternal & child health and COVID-19 on a Catholic radio station
Based on Human Rights Watch (HRW)'s reporting on the human rights dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic (see Related Summary, and the video, below), this document presents 40 questions to provoke thinking about a rights-respecting response to the crisis. The questions address the needs - including aro...und issues of information and communication - of groups most at risk, such as people living in poverty, ethnic and religious minorities, women, people with disabilities, older people, migrants, refugees, children, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. The resource also identifies a variety of responses to the crisis, some of which are positive and others problematic - with many links to related stories and resources online.
7 April 2020. This document and risk assessment tool provides practical guidance and recommendations to support the special role of religious leaders, faith-based organizations, and faith communities in COVID-19 education, preparedness, and response.
You can download the risk assessment tool here:...
and the decision tree here:
This report provides an overview of the key information gaps and limitations in interpreting existing COVID-19 data
Une liste de 40 questions clés visant à aider les gouvernements à veiller au respect des droits humains dans leurs réponses à la pandémie
This short guide is designed to assist development and humanitarian agencies to think through how risk communication and community engagement activity related to Covid-19 can be carried out without face-to-face interaction with communities. By using remote methods, agencies will be able to safeguard... the health of their own and their partners’ staff and volunteers, while still ensuring that communities receive accurate, up-to-date information as well as having access to communication channels which allow them to provide feedback and share their concerns and worries.
People experiencing social disadvantage and marginalization are known to be disproportionately impacted by ill-health. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, persons with disabilities may have increased risk for exposure, complications, and death
UNFPA aims to achieve three world-changing results by 2030, the deadline for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. These are: Ending unmet need for family planning, ending gender-based violence including harmful practices such as female genital mutilation and child marriage, and ending all pr...eventable maternal deaths. COVID-19 pandemic could critically undermine progress made towards achieving these goals.
Orientations provisoires
6 avril 2020
Le présent document résume les recommandations de l’OMS sur l’utilisation rationnelle de l’équipement de protection individuelle (EPI) dans les établissements de santé et lors des soins à domicile, ainsi que lors de la manipulation des cargaison...s; il évalue également les perturbations qui touchent actuellement la chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale et les éléments à considérer pour la prise de décisions en cas de grave pénurie d’EPI.
Accessed: 25.04.2020
COVID-19 represents a dramatic new threat to life in war-torn countries. International humanitarian law (IHL) is a key legal framework that provides crucial safeguards to people affected by armed conflicts. This overview summarizes some of the main provisions of IHL that may particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Novel coronavirus will disproportionately impact world’s 70 million displaced people
Report recommends stopping asylum seeker deportations, prioritising hygiene and refugee camp decongestion, better communication
Displaced people must be included in prevention, mitigation efforts - for s...ake of everyone’s health
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an acute infectious respiratory disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment, the disease presentati...on is more likely to be severe in older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, etc.
Refugees and migrants face unacceptable and extreme forms of violence on mixed migration routes from East and West Africa to and through North Africa. This report provides clear and strong findings based on almost 16,000 interviews with refugees and migrants all along the migration routes. It clear data on the extent to which refugees and migrants face various violations of their rights, and identifies who are generally reported to be responsible and should thus be held accountable.
L'exercice de table COVID-19 (TTX) est un package de simulation qui utilise un scénario progressif ainsi qu'une série d'injects spécifiques pour permettre aux participants de considérer l'impact potentiel d'une épidémie sur les plans, procédures et capacités existants. Le TTX a pour objectif... de renforcer les niveaux nationaux de préparation au coronavirus grâce à une série de discussions de groupe facilitées.