Moving avidence into action
This document is part of a series of briefs for health program managers interested in implementing evidence-based programs. With a special emphasis on underutilized interventions, they present evidence on programs that work and provide guidance and resources for replicat...ion.
Networking for Policy Change: TB/HIV Participant’s Guide
“TB is too often a death sentence for people with AIDS. It does not have to be this
-Nelson Mandela, International conference on HIV and AIDS, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2004.
Advocacy report March 2011
303100 03/2011 E 1,000
Global Plan to end TB 2016-2020
A systematic review informing a radical transformation of health workforce development
Defending Rights
Breaking Barriers
Reaching People with HIV Services
Global Aids Update 2019
Child Survival Working Group
Accessed: 18.10.2019
Minimum standards of home care for older people in Red Cross Red Crescent volunteer-based programming in the Europe Zone
Examples from four Philippine Hospitals
Abbreviated Report of a WHO Consultation