Le suicide est évitable. Pourtant, toutes les 40 secondes, une personne se suicide quelque part dans le monde et bien plus tentent de mettre fin à leurs jours. Aucune région ni aucune tranche d’âge n’est épargnée. Il touche toutefois particulièrement les jeunes de 15 à 29 ans, chez qui i...l constitue la deuxième cause de mortalité à l’échelle mondiale
Towards a Healthier Botswana
A booklet on how CHWs were addressing eye health across Africa based on desk research and a survey in 23 countries
An introduction to 90-90-90 in South Africa
This report tells the stories of some of the world’s 7.1 million refugee children of school age under UNHCR’s mandate. In addition, it looks at the educational aspirations of refugee youth eager to continue learning after secondary education, and highlights the need for strong partnerships in o...rder to break down the barriers to education for millions of refugee children.
An integrated approach to health and human rights lies at the heart of ensuring the dignity and well-being of women living with HIV.
The guide is especially appropriate for settings where the provision of medical, diagnostic and support services is sparse or lacking. It covers adult and child mental health problems, as well as childhood developmental disorders. It includes information and guidance on dealing with mental health cr...ises and emergencies and identifying mental health and developmental problems, together with simple intervention strategies, including suggestions for parents and family members to use themselves. It outlines strategies for Community Health Workers to employ in promoting mental health and in raising their community’s awareness of mental health problems
Accessed July 4, 2019
Policy and Legal Opportunities for HIV Testing Services and Civil Society Engagement