The first section highlights knowledge and questions regarding security incidents, trends, and causes of violence, including around causes and motives for attacks, and tensions between individual and collective responses. The next section then explores the role of the humanitarian principles, and th...e perceptions of humanitarian actors, in affecting their security in the field. Building on this, the final section examines the protection of humanitarian action under international law, and the impunity gap resulting from effective implementation or enforcement of the law.
With the increase in frequency of disasters, there is a need to improve early warning systems (EWS) for EA to reduce the risks faced by children and their families. As a consequence, the term early warning, early action (EWEA) has become increasingly common among those responding to slow-onset disas...ters.
The report is based on in-depth qualitative research in countries along the Eastern and Central Mediterranean routes. It focuses on Iraqi and Nigerian migrants as case studies, as Nigeria is the number one country of origin for migrants travelling along the Central Mediterranean route. Iraqis repres...ent the third biggest group of migrants who travelled along the Eastern Mediterranean route in 2016.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is committed to ensuring the effective implementation of this strategy, which will contribute to the overall wellbeing and health of all adolescent boys and girls of Bangladesh
10–11 May 2016, Catania, Italy
Epidemiologisches Bulletin; 14. März 2016 Nr. 10/11 ;DOI 10.17886/EpiBull-2016-014
L’élaboration du Plan Intégré de Communication traduit la volonté politique permanente des Autorités du Bénin de rendre plus efficace la lutte contre la mortalité maternelle, néonatale et infanto- juvénile.
Report of a mission 20–24 April 2015
Results of the first national survey, 2013–2014
Рекомендации ВОЗ по оказанию дородовой помощи для формирования положительного опыта беременности
Human Rights, Minimum Standards and Monitoring at the European and International Levels
Regional Tuberculosis Program, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)