Die Broschüre will HausärztInnen und Angehörige weiterer Berufsgruppen aus dem Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen für die spezifische gesundheitliche und soziale Problematik von traumatisierten Flüchtlingen sensibilisieren und ihnen Hintergrundwissen vermitteln. Sie bietet eine Übersicht über die v...erschiedenen Formen organisierter Gewalt und ihre Folgen für die Betroffenen. Im Zentrum steht die Bewältigung traumatischer Erfahrungen: Fachpersonen finden umfassende praktische Hinweise für die Behandlung und Betreuung von Folter- und Kriegsopfern.
Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
Interim Guidelines for health workers at health centre or district hospital outpatient clinic
Indonesian Prevention Guidelines on HIV and AIDS
Leishmaniasis is an important worldwide disease with a
zoonotic potential that presenting visceral and cutaneous
clinical forms. The domestic dog is seen as the main reservoir of Leishmania spp. and for this reason, it is the target of
the control program in some countries. The health professiona...ls’ knowledge about prevention and control of leishmaniasis was investigated. Through interviews with health
professionals from endemic regions, it was observed that
there are several conceptuais gaps about leishmaniasis.
Therefore, it is essential to put into practice the concepts
of single health, bringing human, animal and environmental
health, next to population.
The number of people facing acute food insecurity1 is growing at an alarming rate in the European Union (EU) Member States of Central Eastern Europe. COVID-19 and the resulting disruption to global markets, trade, and food supply chains have negatively affected food security since 2020; now, this ha...s been compounded by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Women and girls who have been displaced from Ukraine into Hungary are facing tremendous obstacles to their safety and wellbeing, particularly given the link between food insecurity and gender-based violence (GBV). Urgent policy responses and concrete actions are needed to support low-income households and vulnerable communities, particularly women and their families displaced from Ukraine, to stem this growing crisis.
The toolkit provides guidance on where to get started, including the structures and resources that should be put in place at the national and health-care facility level, through a stepwise approach in low-resource settings. As the ultimate goal of an AMS programme is sustainable behaviour change in ...physicians’ antibiotic prescribing practices, the toolkit also provides detailed guidance on how to plan, perform and assess AMS interventions – including feedback on antibiotic use over time. Finally, the toolkit provides an overview of the competencies an AMS team needs to guide health-care professionals in changing their antibiotic prescribing behaviours.
Please note that this course is part of a training package, so please register for the complementary course WHO Policy Guidance on Integrated Antimicrobial Stewardship Activities so that you can complete your learning journey.
Orientações para a vigilância em saúde, no que se refere aos aspectos epidemiológicos e laboratoriais da vigilância genômica da covid-19
La presente publicación tiene como objetivo facilitar herramientas para garantizar el abordaje integral del suicidio en la adolescencia, partiendo de la comprensión de que esta problemática trasciende las fronteras de la Salud Mental: requiere de una articulación basada en los principios de inte...rdisciplina, intersectorialidad y corresponsabilidad del conjunto de las políticas públicas destinadas a esta población.
Por ello, el material incluye herramientas para el proceso de atención clínica y, al mismo tiempo, prioriza el abordaje integral y comunitario. En este sentido, se propone como un insumo tanto para las acciones quedesarrollan los equipos de salud de atención primaria como también para la articulación y el trabajo en red con todos los efectores del Sistema de Promoción y Protección Integral de Derechos de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes.
Este plano apresenta diretrizes gerais para a Campanha Nacional de Vacinação contra a Covid-19, de forma que especificidades e alterações de cenários conforme disponibilidade de vacinas serão informadas e divulgadas por meio de Informes Técnicos da Campanha Nacional de Vacinação, divulgados... oportunamente pelo Programa Nacional de Imunizações.
TB situation in vulnerable populations. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) vol.13 no.1 Itauguá jun. 2021
La pandemia de covid-19 ha afectado la detección y tratamiento de pacientes con TBC en Paraguay que lejos de ser una enfermedad erradicada, es motivo de preocupación sanitaria y sigue afectando a miles de ...personas, si bien se inician actividades de campo con apoyo del PNCT para la búsqueda activa, seguimiento de casos y control de contactos en comunidades indígenas y asentamientos, estas tareas no son continuas debido al aumento de los casos de covid-19 en el país, que favorece el temor a acudir a los hospitales para el diagnóstico, a sus controles e incluso se ve afectado el retiro de los medicamentos. En el marco de la pandemia, es probable que aumenten los fracasos terapéuticos con el consiguiente desenlace fatal, por lo que debe hacerse una revisión de las estrategias dirigidas a poblaciones vulnerables con un compromiso verdadero del sector político, sumado a una fuerte colaboración multisectorial e intercultural para lograr el fin de la TBC
ت، ّالرعاية الصحية المجتمعية، بما يتضم."19كوفيد-′′في سياق جائح
COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the biggest hindering threats to education service delivery worldwide which requires innovative solutions to overcome this situation and deliver education services to children. This pandemic has put the country in an emergency state compiled with the ongoing confl...icts and return of refugees from neighboring countries such as Pakistan and Iran whom are suffering from this pandemic in great numbers and its estimated that many returning Afghan refugees will be affected by this virus that requires immediate attention.
Временные рекомендации 25 января 2020 г.