Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Countdown to zero
2011- 2015
Regional Action Plan for HIV in South-East Asia (2017-2021)
Evaluation report
January 2014
Lessons from the Africa Regional Stigma Training Programme
Supporting community action on AIDS in developing countries
Abuses by ArmThis report is based on research in Catatumbo in April 2019. We interviewed more than 80 people, including abuse victims, their relatives, community leaders, church representatives, human rights officials, local authorities, judicial officials, and members of humanitarian and human righ...ts organizations working in the area. Some interviews were conducted in Cúcuta, the capital of North Santander province, and by telephone. We also reviewed official reports and statistics, publications by nongovernmental and international organizations, and written testimony given to government officials by almost 500 victims of abuses committed in the context of the armed conflicts.ed Groups Against Civilians Including Venezuelan Exiles in Northeastern Colombia
The Handbook on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction (the Handbook) has been developed to provide guidance on how to use the Checklist and conduct related legislative reviews and reform processes. While the methodology for using the Checklist needs to be tailored to each country’s context and respectiv...e needs, the Handbook is intended to provide general guidance on key steps to consider.
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -1
Independent Monitoring Board of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (Twelfth Report: October 2015)