This compendium collates current tools and resources on quality improvement developed by the WHO Service Delivery and Safety Department and provides examples of how the tools and resources have been applied in country settings. The target audience for this document are ministries of health, facility... quality improvement teams, researchers and development agencies. WHO technical programmes, regional and country offices can also use the document in their technical cooperation work with the identified audience. Those working to improve the quality of health service delivery can also make good use of this resource
20 February 2013
Update on 2004 Background Paper (Written by Saloni Tanna)
Priority Medicines for Europe and the World "A Public Health Approach to Innovation"
These guidelines were written for anyone trying to meet and solve the challenges of operating a warehouse today. They are an important reference tool for managers and staff, whether they are constructing a new warehouse, implementing a new warehouse system, or redesigning their current system.
G...uidelines for Warehousing Health Commodities is for use by supply chain managers, logistics advisors, and warehouse managers who want to improve and increase efficiency in their current health commodity warehouse.
The purpose of this Guide is to set out a simple, user-friendly, step-by-step approach for conducting table-top exercises for use in countries. These are generic guidelines which may be adapted for use at all levels in a country.
The Open AIDS Journal, 2012, 6, 245-258
This Guide provides practical guidance for governments regarding how to effectively communicate with communities during the recovery phase following an emergency. It explains how to identify communication needs, and presents “best fit” communication methods and strategies to deploy to support Di...saster Recovery Frameworks (DRF) and recovery strategies.
The Guide is divided into six sections, as follows:
SECTION 1 Good Practice Principles for Effective Communication
SECTION 2 Barriers to Effective Communication
SECTION 3 How to Identify Communication Needs during Recovery
SECTION 4 Communication Methods for Recovery Planning and Operations
SECTION 5 Developing a Communication Plan
SECTION 6 Key Take-away Messages
The synthesis looked across the evaluations and reviews as mentioned above to draw lessons and conclusions across the different contexts. The synthesis aims to identify:
recurrent issues, patterns and trends, and promising initiatives and lessons learned from existing programming including main...streaming in how UNHCR prevents, mitigates and responds to the risks of SGBV;
institutional management and leadership for SGBV in UNHCR;
factors which are contributing to success, including sustainability of services, and those which are inhibiting it;
the extent to which questions on SGBV are part of UNHCR evaluations of emergency responses;
The devastating impacts of the 2015–16 El Niño will be felt well into 2017. This crisis was predicted, yet overall, the response has been too little too late. The looming La Niña event may further hit communities that are already deeply vulnerable. To end this cycle of failure, there is an urgen...t need for humanitarian action where the situation is already dire, to prepare for La Niña later this year, to commit to comprehensive new measures to build communities’ resilience, and to mobilize global action to address climate change which is creating a ‘new normal’ of higher temperatures, drought and unpredictable growing seasons.
Guía práctica para intervenciones colaborativas
Des efforts considérables ont été menés pour apporter aux
populations rurales du continent africain des soins de base. Mais
la qualité de ces soins reste aujourd’hui peu satisfaisante car le
médecin généraliste est le plus souvent absent en première
ligne. Cette situation est paradoxa...le en regard du nombre de
médecins formés dans les facultés en Afrique francophone et à
Madagascar. Le déficit en médecin généraliste, exerçant dans les
zones rurales, reste particulièrement préoccupant alors que
les jeunes médecins sans emploi se multiplient dans les villes.
L’ONG Santé Sud, depuis plus de vingt ans, propose un concept
– la médecine générale communautaire – qui, associé à un dispositif
d’accompagnement, a permis l’installation de plus de deux
cents médecins généralistes communautaires au Mali et à
Madagascar. Ce concept a pour intérêt d’associer, dans une même
pratique, la médecine de famille et les Soins de Santé Primaires.
S.F.S.P. | « Santé Publique »
2014/HS S1 | pages 59 à 65
Considerable effort has been made to provide rural African
populations with basic health care, but the quality of this care
remains unsatisfactory due to the absence of first-line GPs. This is
a paradoxical situation in view of the large number of physicians
trained in medical schools in French-speaking Africa and
Madagascar. of the lack of GPs working in rural areas is a real
concern, as many young doctors remain unemployed in cities.
For more than 20 years, the NGO Santé Sud has proposed a
Community General Medicine concept, which, combined with
a support system, has allowed the installation of more than
200 community GPs in Mali and Madagascar. The advantage of
this concept is that it provides family medicine and primary health
care in the same practice.
S.F.S.P. | « Santé Publique »
2014/HS S1 | pages 59 à 65