Développement de protocoles à adopter avec les réfugiés et les personnes déplacées dans leur propre pays. Edition révisée
Este livro de bolso destina-se a ser usado por médicos, enfermeiras e outros trabalhadores de saúde experientes que sejam responsáveis pela prestação de cuidados de saúde a crianças nos países em desenvolvimento.
Ce document présente un résumé des mesures de lutte contre l’infection et de prévention qui est destiné à toute personne prodiguant directement ou indirectement des soins à des cas suspects ou confirmés de maladie à virus Ebola dans des établissements de santé
Rapport mondial sur les drogues 2018
The present Consolidated guidelines include a comprehensive set of WHO recommendations for the treatment and care of DR-TB, derived from these WHO guidelines documents. The consolidated guidelines include policy recommendations on treatment regimens for isoniazid-resistant TB (Hr-TB) and MDR/RR-TB, ...including longer and shorter regimens, culture monitoring of patients on treatment, the timing of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in MDR/RR-TB patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), use of surgery for patients receiving MDR-TB treatment, and optimal models of patient support and care.
Handbook for HIV/Aids Training
Indonesian Prevention Guidelines on HIV and AIDS
National Action Plan: Programmatic Management of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Control Indonesia
Handbook World Aids Day 2014
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 74 Year 2014: Guidelines for Implementation of Hiv Counseling and Test
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 Year 2009 on Health