Última modificação: 28.05.2020; Data da publicação: 04.07.2017. O objetivo desta cartilha é apresentar o tema da tuberculose oferecendo subsídios para o desenvolvimento do trabalho do ACS. Seu formato foi pensado para facilitar a consulta e o manuseio, principalmente auxiliando o esclarecimen...to de dúvidas durante a visita domiciliar de forma objetiva. Visa também destacar o olhar para a tuberculose, contribuindo com o controle da doença e o cuidado das pessoas no território de atuação.
A manual on homemade masks
This guide is designed to provide a simple outline of best practices to make, use and reuse masks to enable NGOs and individuals to self-create such masks and accelerate widespread adoption of masks across India.
The key criteria for proposed designs are:
Ease of Ac...cess to Materials
Easy of Making at Home
Ease of Use and Reuse
Wearing of masks is especially recommended for people living in densely populated areas across India
Video on Covid-19 awareness for community level workers
Experts from AIIMS, New Delhi share basic steps on hand washing to fight against #COVID19
The outbreak of COVID-19 and ist consequences can make Children anxious and stressed. Take care of their mental health with These simple strategies.
El presente folleto, está dirigido a familiares y cuidadores con pacientes COVID-19.
This brochure is intended for family members and caregivers of COVID-19 patients.
Organization of health services at the first level of care for comprehensive health care in the framework of the national health emergency by COVID-19
Este folleto informativo acerca del coronavirus (COVID-19), está elaborado especialmente para ti que estás a cargo del cuidado de un niño o adolescente con alguna enfermedad oncológica o hematológica. 1 Al tener un sistema de defensas debilitado por el tratamiento y enfermedad, ellos se encuent...ran más expuestos a las complicaciones que trae este virus y comprendemos que como madre, padre o cuidador, puedes tener muchas preguntas al respecto y es importante que cuentes con información adecuada que te permita saber qué hacer y cómo acompañar al menor a cargo en esta especial situación.
Communities in snakebite endemic countries need to be properly educated on what to do in the event of a snakebite and what steps to take to lessen one from happening. These comprehensive prevention videos in multiple languages are resources YOU can share with school children, agricultural workers, h...omemakers. Help spread these important videos right on down to the people and regions affected.
Minutes to Die released snakebite prevention videos in 12 languages made for sharing and aimed at community health workers in Africa and India, produced by the Lillian Lincoln Foundation, along with the WHO, MSF, and a host of other NGOs.
La publicación proporciona información básica sobre la tuberculosis a los docentes, sus características, sus medidas preventivas y acciones que se deben realizar si se presentaran casos de este mal en alumnos u otro miembro de la comunidad educativa.
In 2018, the National Department of Health launched the Side-By-Side campaign for pregnant women and caregivers of children under five years, with the goal of ensuring that all children receive the nurturing care and protection they need to reach their full potential.
These apps address issues of status of women, the care of pregnant women and children under two, breastfeeding and the importance of a balanced diet, health and simple changes in nutritional care practices that can notably enhance nutrition levels. Available in 18 languages: Assamese • Bengali •... English • Garo • Gujarati • Hindi • Kannada • Khasi • Konkani • Malayalam • Manipuri • Marathi • Mizo • Odia • Punjabi • Tamil • Telugu • Urdu
Download the App in Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=HealthPhone%20MobileSeva
Want to build a tippy tap? Want to teach someone else how to? Here is a graphical manual that works for both literate and illiterate populations. Spanish version
Accessed 13 January 2015