A resposta a um surto de cólera focaliza geralmente os aspectos médicos que são importantes para reduzir a mortalidade. Contudo, há necessidade de uma resposta mais abrangente para limitar a propagação da doença. Como a resposta a surtos é geralmente dirigida por profi ssionais médicos, pod...e
haver tendência para negligenciar outros aspectos, tais como problemas ambientais ou de comunicação.
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Vol.12 (2013) pp.234-248
In 2006, the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) published an Expert Report entitled “Antimicrobial Resistance: Implications for the Food System” (IFT 2006). That report summarized current scientific knowledge pe...rtaining to the public-health impact of antimicrobial use in the food system and the development and control of antimicrobial resistance. Since that time, intense interest in this topic has continued within the regulatory and scientific communities as well as the general public. This IFT Scientific Status Summary serves to update that 2006 IFT Expert Report by briefly reviewing new scientific evidence relevant to the goals of the initial report and providing a number of key observations and conclusions.
This an updated revised edition of the book which is published in 1986 ,The whole text has been updated and revised in line with current anaesthetic teaching. New chapters on hypothermia and acute pain relief added and some other chapters for easier reference have been amalgamated and re-arranged.A ...number of illustrations and diagrams have been added.
This text will continue to assist all anaesthetists in developing countries who, with limited support and training opportunities, are working hard to improve conditions for their patients.
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Le programme de Participation Communautaire pour la Santé Reproductive et Sexuelle des Jeunes au Burkina se fonde sur la conviction que pour mieux contribuer à la résolution des problèmes des jeunes, l’élaboration et la mise en ouvre des programmes doivent se faire de sorte que ce soient les ...jeunes eux-mêmes qui soient les principaux acteurs, avec l’appui des adultes. Ainsi les jeunes ne devraient plus être considérés tout simplement comme des cibles vers lesquelles il faut développer des interventions ; mais plutôt des partenaires par qui et pour qui les programmes doivent être développés.
For the control of vectors and pests of public health importance. Sixth edition
Étude menée dans le cadre du Projet "Ville Handicap" dans les communes d'Antsiranana et de Mahajanga
An output of a series of workshops on psychosocial support held in 2004-2005 by the Bernard van Leer Foundation and the Coalition on Children Affected by AIDS. Authors Linda Richter, Geoff Foster and Lorraine Sherr discuss the issues surrounding psychosocial care and support for children made vulner...able by the HIV/AIDS pandemic and make recommendations for future priorities and programming directions. Includes the ""Call To Action"" for Toronto 2006.
This treatment guideline is intended to assist clinicians in the Behavioral Health department in treatment planning and service delivery for patients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It may also assist clinicians treating patients who have some of the signs and symptoms of PTSD but who do... not meet the full criteria of PTSD. The treatment guideline is not intended to cover every aspect of clinical practice, but to focus specifically on the treatment models and modalities that clinicians in our outpatient treatment setting could provide. These guidelines were developed through a process of literature review and discussion amongst clinicians in the Behavioral Health department and represent a consensus recommendation for service provision for this disorder. The guideline is intended to inform both clinical and administrative practices with the explicit goals of outlining treatment that is: effective, efficient, culturally relevant and acceptable to clinicians, program managers, and patients.
Indonesia's TB Guidelines