21.3.2022. Wer aus der Ukraine flüchten muss, hat viele Fragen und braucht Unterstützung. Hier finden ukrainische Staatsangehörige und auch Drittstaatsangehörige, die aus der Ukraine geflüchtet sind, aktuelle Antworten – die fortlaufend aktualisiert werden.
En esta obra se presentan mensajes básicos para pasar a la acción, resumidos
en una serie de capítulos sobre diversos temas ligados a la salud ambiental,
consultables en línea en: http://www.who.int/ceh/publications/hehc_booklet/en/
Les messages clés pour des actions concrètes présentés ci-après résument un
ensemble de chapitres sur différents problèmes de santé liés à l’environnement,
qui peuvent être consultés à l’adresse suivante: www.who.int/ceh/publications/
Energy use in the home is a vital and ubiquitous feature of human society. Energy
is used for a wide variety of purposes, including cooking, space heating, light-
ing, small-scale income generation, various household tasks, and entertainment.
Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) has immense benefits for individual users, as well as society at large, through improvements to physical health, air quality, the environment, climate change, personal finance, accessibility, mobility and the empowerment of vulnerable groups.
Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Europe 2020 data: executive summary
Lancet Planet Health 2020; 4: e271–79
The global burden of disease associated with air pollution exposure exacts a massive toll on human health worldwide: exposure to air pollution is estimated to cause millions of deaths and lost years of healthy life annually. The burden of disease attributable to air pollution is now estimated to be ...on a par with other major global health risks such as unhealthy diet and tobacco smoking, and air pollution is now recognized as the single biggest environmental threat to human health.
The disease burden caused by poor water, sanitation and hygiene is significant. For instance, soil transmitted helminthes (hookworm, roundworm, ringworm) infest approximately two billion people. Shistosomiasis infects and debilitates 200 million people. Trachoma, a disease related to poor sanitation... and hygiene which can cause blindness, infects five million people. However, the most serious health impact of poor WASH is diarrheal disease, particularly on children.
Available in different languages
Este documento apresenta um marco conceitual renovado das funções essenciais de saúde pública (FESP) para a Região das Américas, com o qual se pretende dar maior clareza conceitual e operacionalidade ao novo campo de atuação da saúde pública e preencher uma lacuna nas propostas conceituais... sobre o fortalecimento dos sistemas de saúde. O marco proposto apresenta um novo paradigma para a saúde pública, baseado em quatro pilares orientados para a ação: a necessidade de incorporar a abordagem dos direitos humanos às políticas públicas de saúde; a necessidade de a saúde pública ampliar seu enfoque para ter uma abordagem mais ampla dos determinantes sociais da saúde; o papel da saúde pública para garantir de forma integral e integrada o acesso a intervenções de base populacional e atenção individual de qualidade; e a necessidade de as autoridades de saúde atuarem em colaboração com outros setores e com a sociedade civil no desempenho das funções de saúde pública.
Biodiversity and healthy natural ecosystems, including protected areas in and around cities, provide ecosystem benefits and services that support human health, including reducing flood risk, filtering air pollutants, and providing a reliable supply of clean drinking water. These services help to red...uce the incidence of infectious diseases and respiratory disorders, and assist with adaptation to climate change. Access to nature offers many other direct health benefits, including opportunities for physical activity, reduction of developmental disorders and improved mental health.
Learnings from the COVID-19 evidence response and recommendations for the future.
Reflections and recommendations from the evidence synthesis community.
If you are fleeing the war in Ukraine and coming to the European Union, you will find key information about your rights with regard to crossing the border into an EU country, eligibility for temporary protection and applying for international protection, as well as the rights of travel inside the Eu...ropean Union.
Available in English, Russian and Ukrainian
Wearing a face mask can help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the community by reducing the release of respiratory droplets from asymptomatic / pre-symptomatic individuals or those with mild non-specific symptoms. The use of face masks for this purpose may be adopted to reduce the societal impact as...sociated with absence from work or healthcare pressures due to infection, or to protect vulnerable individuals in particular settings.
Clean and sustainable household energy and appliances, for cooking, heating and lighting can improve health, increase productivity, reduce poverty and protect the environment while addressing air pollution.
During fresh fruit and vegetables (FFV) production, water is used for a variety of purposes. Even the water was conventionally treated and disinfected, it may still potentially contain human pathogens, albeit at low concentrations. A risk assessment, appropriate to the national or local production c...ontext, should be conducted to assess the potential risks associated with a specific water source or supply in order to devise the appropriate risk mitigation strategies.
Since the 48th session of Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) noted the importance of water safety and quality in food production and processing, FAO and WHO has undertaken the work on this subject. This report describes the output of the third in a series of meetings, which examined appropriate and fit-for-purpose microbiological criteria for water used with fresh fruit and vegetables. The advice herein will support decision making when applying the concept of fit-for-purpose water for use in the pre- and post-harvest production of fresh fruit and vegetables.
The Lancet Global Health Volume 9, ISSUE 3, e361-e365, March 01, 2021
The public health community has tried for decades to show, through evidence-based research, that safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and clean cooking fuels that reduce household air pollution are essential to safeguard he...alth and save lives in low-income and middle-income countries. In the past 40 decades, there have been many innovations in the development of low-cost and efficacious technologies for WASH and household air pollution, but many of these technologies have been associated with disappointing health outcomes, often because low-income households have either not adopted, or inconsistently adopted, these technologies.