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PLoS Negl Trop Dis 11(2): e0005356 -Published: February 23, 2017 21 pp
An integrated approach to health and human rights lies at the heart of ensuring the dignity and well-being of women living with HIV.
Enfrentando la enfermedad de Alzheimer en los países en desarrollo.
Rev Neuropsiquiatr 80 (2), 2017 (P. 105-110)
Recibido: 03/02/2017 Aceptado: 12/06/2017
Objective: To review research on associations of trauma type with PTSD in the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys, a series of epidemiological surveys that obtained representative data on trauma-specific PTSD.
The most frequent health problems of newly arrived refugees and migrants include accidental injuries, hypothermia, burns, gastrointestinal illnesses, cardiovascular events, pregnancy- and delivery-related complications, diabetes and hypertension. Female refugees and migrants frequently face specific... challenges, particularly in maternal, newborn and child health, sexual and reproductive health, and violence. The exposure of refugees and migrants to the risks associated with population movements – psychosocial disorders, reproductive health problems, higher newborn mortality, drug abuse, nutrition disorders, alcoholism and exposure to violence – increase their vulnerability to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs)
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0155525 May 19, 2016, 1 / 11
In Numbers
2.1 million affected people, of which 894,000 are children.
1.4 million people require humanitarian assistance.
806,000 people severely food insecure.
Research Article
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0164619 October 13, 2016
Strengthening Community responses to HIv Treatment and Prevention
Globalization and Health201612:63; DOI: 10.1186/s12992-016-0195-3
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