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The cost of newborn and child health interventions were estimated considering several different angles. At the first attempt, the cost of implementing all newborn and child health interventions packaged as antenatal, Intra natal, Essential newborn care, Care of sic...k newborn, Care of premature & LBW, Nutrition, Immunization, Care of sick infants and newborns, ECCD and WASH was estimated. This estimate reflects the cost of entire newborn and child care program thrust in the country. Costs of different intervention sub packages were also determined.
La estrategia está basada en los pilares del desarrollo comunitario centrado en la niñez, y su éxito se medirá por la forma en que los países contribuyen con sus sistemas de protección de la niñez y se asocian a varios niveles para combatir la violencia contra la niñez. Esta estrategia es e...l resultado de un proceso altamente consultivo que abarcó a los niños, niñas y jóvenes, personal de Plan International, especialistas externos a nivel global, y el documento ha sido elaborado con los esfuerzos conjuntos del grupo de referencia de programas de protección de la niñez.
Rabies is a global public health problem with important socioeconomic impacts. Human rabies is preventable; almost all cases are transmitted through the bite of a rabid dog. Elimination of human rabies is possible. Technical support and tools are available. This report covers:
- Why investment needed: key rationale.
- Investment purpose: global elimination of rabies.
- Investment in action: four case examples in Philippines, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Bangladesh.
- Summary results of case examples: Programme similarities and differences, and Health impact success stories from case examples.
Series on Disability-Inclusive Development | Fachpublikationsreihe Behinderung · Inklusion · Entwicklung
Carta Encíclica Laudato Si' de Santo Padre Francisco sobre el cuidado de la case común
VADEMECUM | This Vademecum is intended to provide a benchmark for aid workers—whether working in the field or at a strategic level—in particular concerning the formulation and implementation of programmes of prevention or response to humanitarian crises. It is not solely a theoretical document b...ecause, in addition to guiding principles, it also provides concrete examples of how to ensure protection of the rights of people with disabilities, including in terms of humanitarian aid. This Vademecum has been drafted in adherence to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which has been in force since 2006 and which reaffirms the importance of protecting the safety of people with disabilities in dangerous situations.
Incorporating Malawi Essential Medicines List (MEML)