This report is produced by the UNDAC Team in Lima. It is developed in collaboration with the partners of the National Humanitarian Network (RHN). It covers the period from 27 to 30 March 2017. The next report will be issued around April 3, 2017
The emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) gap analysis project was funded by The Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF), a program managed by Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance (ELRHA) in partnership with the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Per...formance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP), and is a component of a larger initiative to identify and support innovations in emergency WASH. This paper gives an explanation of the background, methodology, and findings of the program.
The revised package of BFHI materials includes five sections: 1. Background and Implementation, 2. Strengthening and Sustaining the BFHI: A course for decision-makers, 3. Breastfeeding Promotion and Support in a Baby-friendly Hospital: a 20-hour course for maternity staff, 4. Hospital Self-Appraisal... and Monitoring, and 5. External Assessment and Reassessment. Sections 1 to 4 are widely available while section 5 is for limited distribution.
Manual Logistical Management of Humanitarian Supply
The flood of relief supplies that arrive in the aftermath of large-scale disasters often poses serious logistic and management problems for national authorities. SUMA is a tool for the management of humanitarian relief supplies, from the time pled...ges are made by donors, to their entry into the disaster area and their storage and distribution.
According to 2014 Census data, almost a third of the population in Myanmar do not have adequate identity and civil documentation. Of these, 54 percent are women.
Women who live in remote or conflict affected areas, who are displaced or belong to stateless ethnic and religious minorities face the... consequences of an insecure legal identity. They cannot enrol their children in school, open a bank account, travel freely or register land.
The report provides an analysis of the gender aspects of citizenship legislation in Myanmar and its application in light of the standards set by the UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). It analyses in detail women’s ability to acquire citizenship on an equal basis as men, their ability to acquire, retain or confer citizenship following marriage and their ability to confer citizenship to their children. The report highlights the normative and practical challenges faced by women and proposes ways forward.
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 2
No publication year indicated.
Effective Ebola risk communication requires respect and transparency and remains as vital
as ever. An assessment of changing communication needs and preferences in Beni, North Kivu.
In the second year of the current Ebola outbreak response in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), people at ris...k still don’t have clear answers to their questions about the disease in a language they understand. Many local health communicators are themselves confused about the disease prevention and treatment measures they promote. The language, content, and form of communication about Ebola affect how far people understand, trust and act upon it.
The importance of fruits and vegetables in nutritious and healthy diets is well recognized, and in recent years consumers have been encouraged to eat more of these products. For many countries, particularly developing countries, these products have become a valuable commodity. At the same time, food... safety problems linked to the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables contaminated with microorganisms are increasing
« Programme Renforcement et Décentralisation de la Prévention et de
la prise en charge des PVVIH en RCA »
Burkina Faso has approximately 10.5 million inhabitants and is divided into 30 provinces. The study took place in the districts of Tougan, Nouna, and Solenzo, in provinces Sourou and Kossi, in north-west Burkina Faso. There is one medical centre in every district capital and 6 to 14 health centres i...n the surrounding villages. Each health centre covers a population of 10 000 to 15 000. The staff of one health centre generally consists of one nurse, a nurse aid and a midwife as well as one drug vendor for the nearby village pharmacy. The health personnel are trained and paid by the state.