El Programa de acción mundial para superar las brechas en salud mental (mhGAP)1 fue
lanzado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en el año 2008. En 2010, se
lanzó la Guía de Intervención mhGAP (GI‐mhGAP) (1) y se comenzó a aplicar en cinco
países (Etiopía, Jordania, Nigeria, P...anamá y Sierra Leona) dentro de un proyecto
piloto, bajo la supervisión de la OMS. Panamá lo puso en funcionamiento utilizando la
versión española del mhGAP; los otros cuatro países usaron la versión inglesa1.
Overcoming HIV-related stigma and discrimination in health- care settings and beyond
Chapter 1 provides new data on the latest developments in the global treatment effort, highlighting positive trends as well as aspects that require improvement. Chapter 2 summarizes the impact of the scale-up in reducing AIDS-related mortality and new HIV infections. Chapter 3 examines the sequence ...of steps in the continuum of care from HIV diagnosis to successful provision of ART services and outlines key supportive innovations. Chapter 4 discusses the implications and anticipated impact of the new "Consolidated guidelines on the use of ARV drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection
Agenda item 5, UNAIDS/PCB (43)/18.
11-13 December 2018 | Geneva, Switzerland
UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board
Issue date: 23 November 2018
based on the WHO Bench Aids for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites;
Tutor’s Guide: perform specific laboratory techniques; identify intestinal parasites by genus and species; quantify helminth eggs in faeces by Kato-Katz procedure.
DHS Working Papers No. 103