Over 3500 teachers and school psychologists has joined in a month an online course "I understand" on psychological and emotional support that is aimed at helping teachers to stabilize their emotional state in times of war and constant stress and providing practical tools to support schoolchildren an...d their parents. Course is launched by NGO “Osvitoria” in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and supported by UNICEF Ukraine.
Since the first edition of the CDAC snapshot of communication, community engagement and accountability (CCEA) across the Ukraine response was published in May 2022, a conscious effort has been made by international, national and local responders to ramp up CCEA action. Progress has been made in esta...blishing coordination mechanisms and launching activities, particularly around accountability to affected people (AAP). As CCEA work continues to scale up on the ground, a greater focus and more effort are still needed on community-facing information and two-way communication; this should be accorded a higher priority than at present.
Official Website with information in Ukrainian and English
Operation update 01/04/2022
A full-scale military attack (invasion) of Ukraine was started by Russia in the night of February 23/24, 2022. Cities, towns and other targets in all regions of Ukraine have been shelled or attacked with rockets, and columns of military vehicles have been invaded the country from three directions (n...orth, east and south). Fighting continues across all regions with Russian forces capturing cities along the south coast but facing tougher resistance in the northern parts of the country. Residential areas in cities such as Kharkiv, Kyiv and Mykolaiv have been shelled and destroyed, with many lives have been lost. Ongoing negotiations between the governments of Ukraine and Russia have yielded no results in bringing a ceasefire or end to the conflict.
Early data estimates suggest that 90% of the Ukrainian population could be facing poverty and extreme economic vulnerability should the war deepen, setting the country – and the region – back decades and leaving deep social and economic scars for generations to come
Прийом біженців: упорядкування та забезпечення прозорості
Kostenlose Hotline der Bundeskontaktstelle für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine mit Behinderungen und/oder Pflegebedarf +49 30 85 404 789
Warum braucht es eine zentrale Koordinierungsstelle?
Das Fluchtgeschehen der betroffenen Personengruppen verläuft bislang weitgehend ungeordnet und intransparent. Häufig erlangen aufnehmende Länder und Gemeinden erst spät Kenntnis über ankommende Transporte. Das erschwert eine vorausschauende Planung passender Hilfsangebote, die notwendig wäre, um die je nach Einzelfall häufig komplexen Hilfebedarfe decken zu können. Und es birgt die Gefahr einer Überlastung einzelner Regionen.
As the crisis in Syria moves into its second decade, a survey commissioned by the International Committee of the Red Cross highlights the heavy price paid by young Syrians.
1,400 Syrians between the ages of 18-25 were surveyed in Syria, Lebanon and Germany. Across the three countries, young peopl...e spoke of families and friendships torn apart, immense economic hardship and worry, frustrated ambitions, missed milestones and the profound psychological toll of years of relentless violence and disruption.
Модуль из пакета инструментов для оценки потенциала медицинских учреждений в контексте пандемии COVID-19. Временное руководство. 5 февраля 2021 г.
This document presents an evidence-informed Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train and support the rural
health workforce in low and middle income countries (LMIC). Rural areas are the most underserviced around the world.
The official death toll had risen to 493 people as of 29 March, according to the Government.
A new cholera outbreak was reported in Nhamatande; nine Cholera Treatment Centres have been established in Beira and other locations.
More than 140,000 people were displaced in 161 sites across Sofala (116... sites), Manica (27 sites), Zambezia (13 sites) Tete (5 sites); of whom more than 7,400 were identified as vulnerable, according to the Government.
Cyclone in Mozambique and Zimbabwe
Ebola virus disease in Democratic Republic of the Congo
Humanitarian crisis in Mali
Humanitarian crisis in Central African Republic.