This guide can be used to train ANM staff in the field to succeed in their role in the hypertension program. It teaches how to screen patients correctly, register and follow-up with patients, retrieve defaulters, record patient visits, and to report data
This guide helps pharmacists to understand their role in the hypertension program. From maintaining hypertensive drug stock, to drug dispensing, to recording and reporting, to awareness generation with patients.
Nutrición de menores de 2 de edad
République de Guinée . Rapport final
28 May 2021
Contact tracing is a key component of a public health response to infectious disease outbreaks. The purpose of this guidance is to reinforce the place of community engagement and participation in the contact tracing process. The guidance and related products articulate best practice pri...nciples for community engagement and how they can be operationalized as part of any community-centred contact tracing strategy. The material provided can stand on its own or be used to complement other documents that support strategies, implementation plans or training and capacity building modules.
Este plano apresenta diretrizes gerais para a Campanha Nacional de Vacinação contra a Covid-19, de forma que especificidades e alterações de cenários conforme disponibilidade de vacinas serão informadas e divulgadas por meio de Informes Técnicos da Campanha Nacional de Vacinação, divulgados... oportunamente pelo Programa Nacional de Imunizações.
The speed of developing diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has been quite remarkable. Diagnostics have focused on nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) to identify infected individuals in acute-phase disease for timely implementation of mitiga...tion strategies and case management. More and more immunodiagnostics, mostly rapid diagnostic tests, are being made available as an alternative to NAATs. This type of test can be used out-of-laboratory conditions at large scale.
Because, in the face of crises and emergencies, it is vital to include a human rights perspective in responses. Vulnerable groups face major obstacles to accessing and benefiting from prevention, mitigation, and health care policies due to structural barriers of inequality. To offer... guidelines to the countries of the Americas for crafting and implementing inclusive and accessible, human rights-based responses to a pandemic that is unprecedented in the region and in the world as a whole.
The Government of Malawi, in fulfilling its primary role of protecting the lives of its vulnerable citizens during disasters and reducing their exposure to risk through preparedness, led the development of a National Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preparedness and Response Plan.
Accessed: 08.03.2020
This section provides an overview of an HIV Rapid Testing workshop. It contains information about:
- Workshop Goal
- Training Modules: Learning Objectives and Content Outline
- Learning Methods / Activities
- Recommended Certification Criteria
Section 1...: Overview, Trainer’s Guide
Interim guidance v2, 19 March 2020
This document provides WHO checklists for risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) readiness and initial response for novel coronaviruses (nCoV) recently identified in Wuhan, China (2019-nCoV). The objective of this document is to provide actionable guid...ance for countries to implement effective RCCE strategies which will help protect the public’s health in the early response to nCoV. This document includes recommended RCCE goals and actions for countries preparing for nCoV cases and for countries that have confirmed -nCoV cases.
Available in English, French and Chinese
16 Dec. 2020
This document provides guidance to Ministries of Health (MOHs), laboratory personnel and implementing partners in African Union Member States on the application of rapid antigen tests to COVID-19 testing. The guidance serves as reference for policymakers, laboratory leads, implementing... partners, and experts on use case scenarios and associated testing algorithms for COVID-19 antigen tests. It recommends the use of antigen tests to increase access to testing and enable timely results for persons with or without symptoms in specific settings. The document will be reviewed and updated as more evidence becomes available regarding the use of rapid antigen tests for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) from global studies and evaluation efforts.
Interim Guidance 31 march 2020
WHO has established a shipment mechanism to expedite and cover the costs of the shipment of clinical samples from patients with suspected COVID-19 from the country of collection to one of the WHO reference laboratories providing confirmatory molecular testing for COVI...D-19. This document explains the process and documentation required for shipment of specimens.
Vision 2030
Accessed: 17.11.2019