This research report provided results from the study of living conditions among people with functional limitation in Mozambique. Two comparative studies of different indicators of living conditions were carried out. These studies include: (i) a comparative study of households with and without family... member(s) with functional limitation and (ii) a comparative study of individuals with and without functional limitation. In addition, a detailed study that specifically addresses the situation of individuals with functional limitation was also conducted. The Mozambique study was undertaken in 2007 – 2008.
O presente Manual realça aspectos desde o diagnóstico e o manuseio dos casos até às medidas a serem tomadas de modo a reduzir a transmissão da tuberculose na
comunidade. Este manual foi desenvolvido para orientar os clínicos e outros profissionais de saúde na gestão dos casos de tuberculose... resistente, desde o nível periférico até ao nível central.
Este manual tem como objetivo a orientação da prática de pulverização intra-domiciliária (PIDOM) em Moçambique, uma vez que a malária é ainda uma das maiores causas de morbi-mortalidade, incapacidade e pobreza.
Este livro de bolso destina-se a ser usado por médicos, enfermeiras e outros trabalhadores de saúde experientes que sejam responsáveis pela prestação de cuidados de saúde a crianças nos países em desenvolvimento.
This document builds on the Background document prepared for the September 4-5, 2014 Consultation. It includes proposed elements to consider during the development of a framework to assist decision-making at global and national level.
The aim of the document is to assist Member States and releva...nt partners in their discussions to identify the best approaches to ensure the accelerated evaluation and use of available or near-term therapies and vaccines for the treatment and prevention of EVD. The document calls for a coordinated effort by the international community to remove unnecessary obstacles towards this goal.
Das Dokument soll dem Erkennen, Bewerten und Bewältigen des Auftretens von Ebolafieber in Deutschland dienen und richtet sich dabei primär an den öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst sowie medizinisches Fachpersonal in der klinischen, ambulanten und rettungsdienstlichen Versorgung in Deutschland. Es is...t als ein sich ständig fortentwickelndes Dokument gedacht.
This clinical management manual for Ebola Viral Disease in Liberia was developed after several ETUs were established in the country following the outbreak early this year. As the outbreak evolved, it became evident that different SOPs were being used by clinicians across these treatment facilities. ...As a result of discussions held by the National Case Management Committee of the Incident Management System, various stakeholders were brought together to contribute their time and expertise to the development of this manual.
WHO Secretariat Information paper July 2016
Standard Treatment Guideline
The 23rd meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Selection and Use of Essential Medicines was coordinated from Geneva, Switzerland, and held virtually from 21 June to 2 July 2021. The Committee considered 88 applications proposing additions, changes and deletions of medicines, medicine classes and fo...rmulations on the Model Lists of Essential Medicines. The Committee evaluated the scientific evidence for comparative effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of the medicines in question. The Committee also considered a review of the therapeutic alternatives for medicines on the Model Lists, and update to the AWaRe classification of antibiotics, and reviews and reports relevant to the selection and use of essential medicines.
Le fonctionnement de la prise en charge des patients séropositifs au Bénin, le cas de l’Atacora