Translation of the 1st ed., 2003
These guidelines were written for anyone trying to meet and solve the challenges of operating a warehouse today. They are an important reference tool for managers and staff, whether they are constructing a new warehouse, implementing a new warehouse syste...m, or redesigning their current system.
Guidelines for Warehousing Health Commodities is for use by supply chain managers, logistics advisors, and warehouse managers who want to improve and increase efficiency in their current health commodity warehouse.
Designed for healthcare professionals, this six-week course will inform you about – and empower you to provide – safe, high-quality antibiotic use. You’ll interact with colleagues globally, to understand what antibiotic resistance means – and why the World Economic Forum has placed it alongs...ide terrorism and climate change on its global risk register. You can also join the course in Spanish, Chinese, or Russian.
A practical manual to good prescription of medicines in Russian language
A practical manual to good prescription of medicines in Romanian language. - Summary: Aceasta carte se adreseaza in primul rând studentilor la medicina. Ea ofera un ghid în procesul de prescriere rationala a medicamentelor, împreuna cu numeroase exemple ilustrative. Cartea îl ajuta pe cititor sa... dobândeasca abilitati pentru prescrierea medicamentelor. Absolventii sau rezidentii, ca si medicii practicieni pot gasi în aceasta lucrare o sursa de idei noi si, poate, un stimulent pentru schimbare.
A practical manual to good prescription of medicines in Bengali language.
Training manual that outlines the training of smallholder farmers to improve biosecurity and practices in their farms to prevent infectious diseases and thus the need for use of veterinary drugs. Describes training sessions and includes exercises and handouts.
An evaluation of the prescribing patterns for under-five patients at a Tertiary Paediatric Hospital in Sierra Leone. J Basic Clin Pharma 2015;6:109-14.
Access to controlled medicines. 3rd edition
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has emerged as a major public health problem all over the world. Infections caused by resistant microbes fail to respond to treatment, resulting in prolonged illness and greater risk of death. This document focuses on the mechanism to develop a practically applicable h...ospital antibiotic policy and standard treatment guidelines (STG). In addition, the document contains information on various effective strategies for implementation of STG. It also discusses various activities and information required for the development of the antibiogram, antibiotic policy and standard treatment guidelines, such as surveillance programmes, the cause and controlling strategies for AMR and HAI; performance measures of antibiogram, antibiotic policy and standard treatment guidelines. A model hospital STG for community-acquired pneumonia in adults is included.