This page contains documents and data related to the UN High-Level Meeting (HLM) on TB key targets and commitments for 2022 and outlined in the Political Declaration of the UN High-Level Meeting on the Fight Against TB.
Inferences through Machine Learning.Background Report.
What are the major origins and drivers of different types of conflict? Sorting out the main
causes of conflict and war is difficult and often shaped by ideological believes. Even today,
historians and political scientists have discussions on... the primary causes of the First World
War. There are several types of conflict, ranging from international and civil wars to local
conflicts, riots and revolution. And there are many theories that explain these different types
of conflict, which mostly focus on economic conditions and a range of factors that can foster
grievances and greed, creating incentives to initiate or join a conflict
The Committee discussed the implications for preparedness for smallpox-like events reflected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Committee noted how quickly diagnostics and vaccines could be developed and deployed when resources and political will were abundant. This rapidity was also due to the f...act that the genetic sequence of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) had been shared worldwide. It was noted that in one country SARS-CoV-2 had been reconstructed in a laboratory from the viral genome sequence before the first case of COVID-19 had been reported, highlighting the benefits of synthetic biology technologies for accelerated development of diagnostics as well as the oft-described potential risks. Lessons learned about clinical care during the COVID-19 pandemic were also discussed.
Peru celebrates 200 years of independence in 2021. Over this period of independent life, and despite the turbulent socio-political scenarios, from internal armed conflict to economic crisis to political instability over the last 40 years, Peru has experienced major changes on its epidemiological and... population health profile. Major advancements in maternal and child health as well as in communicable diseases have been achieved in recent decades, and today
Peru faces an increasing burden of non-communicable diseases including mental health conditions. In terms of the configuration of the public health system, Peru has also strived to secure country-wide optimal health care, struggling in particular to improve primary health care and intercultural services.
El Ministerio de Salud de Chile, atendida la relevancia de los medicamentos dentro del sistema de salud público y privado, ha planteado en la Política Nacional de Medicamentos (Res. Ex. MINSAL Nº 512/2004) los lineamientos y directrices bajo las cuales se deberá desarrollar la actividad nacional... en materia farmacéutica y dentro de éstos de encuentran las líneas de acción respecto de la Racionalidad en el Uso
de Medicamentos, que estructuran una serie de actividades destinadas a lograr un uso racional de los mismos.
Getting on track to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. This new Road Map charts a way forward for country-level actions to achieve an ambitious set of HIV prevention targets by 2025. Those targets emerged from the 2021 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS, which the United Nations General ...Assembly adopted in June 2021 and they are underpinned by the Global AIDS Strategy (2021–2026). The Strategy sets out the principles, approaches, priority action area and programmatic targets for the global HIV response
Esta nueva hoja de ruta traza el camino a seguir para las acciones a nivel de país con el fin de alcanzar un ambicioso conjunto de objet ivos de prevención del VIH para 2025. Estos objetivos surgieron de la Declaración Política sobre el VIH y el sida de 2021, que la Asamblea General de las Nacio...nes Unidas adoptó en junio de 2021 y están respaldados por la Estrategia mundial contra el sida (2021-2026). La Estrategia establece los principios, los enfoques, el área de acción prioritaria y los objetivos programáticos para la respuesta mundial al VIH.
This report aims to outline the current available knowledge on the health and wellbeing of older persons in the Region of the Americas during the United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030). It also seeks to guide political actions towards ensuring the human rights of older persons, and desc...ribes the negotiation and drafting process behind the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons. It reports on the doctrinal and legal developments that led the Region of the Americas to draft the Convention and describes its action areas and guaranteed rights, as well as the obligations assumed by the States Parties. The Convention is an essential tool to advance the strategies of the Decade of Healthy Ageing. This publication reflects on the importance of having a major legal instrument for this purpose at the international level. The demographic transition in Latin America and the Caribbean will continue to shape the ability of countries and health systems to respond to the needs of the population. Given this reality, international instruments will be needed to guarantee the full enjoyment of the human rights of older persons. In order to design inclusive and sustainable systems, accurate, updated, and effective information is required. The Decade of Healthy Ageing––the initiative that constitutes the framework for this document––is a strategic period in which to focus on data generation and monitoring.
Der Klimawandel und seine Folgen bedrohen schon heute Millionen von Menschen weltweit. Wissenschaftler/-innen warnen seit Jahren davor, dass ein ungebremster Klimawandel die Welt ins Chaos führen wird. Obwohl der Klimaschutz seit Jahren im Zentrum der öffentlichen Debatte steht und auch weltweit i...n unzähligen Initiativen, Aktionsplänen und konkreter Politik Berücksichtigung findet, steigt der Ausstoß klimaschädlicher Treibhausgase nach wie vor.
Ziel des Projektes ist es, den in Deutschland bisher unterrepräsentierten Bereich Global Health sichtbarer zu machen und gleichzeitig einen Anreiz für Fakultäten zu schaffen, sich hier vermehrt zu engagieren. Des Weiteren soll das Ranking interessierten und kritischen Studierenden eine Mö bieten, sich über die Universitätslandschaft und die eigene Universität zu informieren. Für all jene, die sich Veränderungen an ihrer Universität wünschen, bietet das Ranking eine Grundlage für evidenzbasierte Forderungen.
Außerdem soll das Ranking der Politik einen Überblick in der Global Health Forschungslandschaft Deutschlands bieten. Es soll den Status Quo mit Positivbeispielen und gravierenden Defiziten darstellen und helfen noch ausschöpfbare Handlungsspielräume zu erkennen und zu nutzen.
Während hunderttausende Ukrainer ihr Land verlassen, kann sich die EU - wie schon 2015 - nicht auf die Verteilung der Kriegsvertriebenen einigen. Dennoch ist es dieses Mal anders: Der von allen EU-Staaten gebilligte, vorübergehende Schutz für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine ermöglicht eine rasche, ...unbürokratische Aufnahme. Die Sprache in Medien und Politik ist eine andere. Was steckt dahinter? Eine Analyse mit zwei Expert*innen für Flucht und Ankunft.
Health is essential in order to be able to lead a fulfilled and happy life. Health is not only a fundamental human right and one of the most valuable possessions any individual can have, it is also an essential prerequisite for social, economic and political development and stability. Health can onl...y be ensured and improved throughout the world through joint global action.