Die Situation älter werdender Migrantinnen und Migranten in der Schweiz. Eine Toolbox für Fach- und Lehrpersonen
Die Toolbox widmet sich den Zusammenhängen von Migration, Alter und Gesundheit. Wie und ob Menschen in der Migration auch im Alter gesund bleiben, hängt von verschiedenen Aspekten ab..., beispielsweise vom sozio-ökonomischen Status, den zur Verfügung stehenden persönlichen Bewältigungsstrategien oder den Zugangsmöglichkeiten zur gesundheitlichen Versorgung.
In resource-limited countries, the number of available antiretroviral (ARV) drugs is relatively limited. Hence, caregivers face some caution and constraints in the changes of ARV treatment (ART) in people living with HIV (PLHIV). Our objective was to calculate the incidence, to describe the main cau...ses and to identify the predictive factors of the first change of ARV treatment in Senegal.
Research Article
Karo et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:148 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/14/148
Zarazne bolesti kao što je virus COVID-19 mogu poremetiti okruženje u kojem djeca rastu i razvijaju se. Remećenje u odnosu sa porodicom, prijateljima, svakodnevnim aktivnostima i široj zajednici može imati negativne posljedice na dobrobit, razvoj i zaštitu djece. Pored toga, mjere koje se pri...mjenjuju kako bi se spriječilo i suzbilo širenje virusa COVID-19 mogu djecu izložiti rizicima u pogledu njihove zaštite. Karantin i mjere izolacije u kućama, objektima i određenim zonama mogu imati negativan utjecaj na djecu i njihove porodice.
Cilj ovog dokumenta je da pruži podršku stručnjacima koji rade na polju zaštite djece kako bi na bolji način odgovorili na rizike za zaštitu djece za vrijeme pandemije virusa COVID-19. U prvom dijelu govori se o tome kakav rizik virus COVID-19 može predstavljati za djecu u smislu njihove zaštite. U drugom dijelu izložene su programske opcije u skladu s Minimalnim standardima za zaštitu djece u humanitarnim akcijama iz 2019. godine (CPMS) i Smjernicama: Zaštita djece za vrijeme epidemija zaraznih bolesti.
Antibiotics have been useful in fighting infectious diseases in our country for decades, but because of the overuse and misuse of these agents, an increasing number of organisms are now resistant to them. The Philippines, like other Southeast Asian countries, has already been encountering the many c...hallenges of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) which include increasing social and economic costs and rising patient mortality. Although considered a global threat, it is already an emerging local health concern which calls for an urgent collaboration among different sectors to provide solutions addressing this growing problem.
To evaluate the epidemiological evolution of patients with HIV (PtHIV), between 2002 and 2012, in a day-hospital that became an HIV reference centre for south-west Burkina Faso.
This was a retrospective study of PtHIV followed in the Bobo Dioulasso university hospital since 2002. The study was ba...sed on clinical data recorded using ESOPE software and analysed using Excel and SAS.
Bangladesh has been going through incremental trend of GDP growth rates for a long time. The GDP is the key aspect to measure the economic growth of a country. But the current world wide pandemic due to the COVID-19 hardly affects the world’s economy as well as Bangladesh. The present... lockdown make the wheel of the industries uncertain. The main source of the GDP of this country is ready made garment sector which has been shut down since mid of March 2020. Already 20 billion of cancellation of foreign order makes the situation worse. Also, the foreign remittance has been decline dramatically due to the loss of jobs of Bangladeshi workers in foreign countries. The overall economic situation declines in this country due to the COVID-19 which has huge impact on the health care system especially in maternal and child health. In this paper, the economic situation of Bangladesh before and during the COVID-19 has been shown. Also, how the COVID-19 would affect the condition
Member States have requested WHO policy guidance on how to facilitate the implementation of national AMS activities in an integrated and programmatic approach. This policy guidance responds to that demand from Member States and is anchored in public health guiding principles in the human health sect...or. It aims to provide a set of evidence-based and pragmatic recommendations to drive comprehensive and integrated AMS activities under the purview of a central national coordination unit, National AMR steering or coordinating committees or other equivalent national authorities.
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