Several diagnostic criteria of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are remarkably similar to symptoms reported by individuals with depression, particularly as they manifest as cognitive processing deficits in children. Because of this overlap in profile and the high rate of comorbidity of PTSD and... depression (48% to 69%), pinpointing similarities/differences in cognitive processes related to each of these disorders is essential to accurate diagnosis. This study aims to examine cognitive performance profiles of 23 children who have been victims of PTSD and to compare their results with 23 children with depression and 24 controls.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents occurs as a result of a child’s exposure to one or more traumatic events: actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence. The victim may experience the event, witness it, learn about it from close family members or fr...iends, or experience repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the event. Potentially traumatic events include physical or sexual assaults, natural disasters, and accidents.
This brochure will briefly look at childhood trauma and PTSD, discussing the symptoms that may be seen in children and adults, as well as discussing some treatment options. If you do read this brochure and feel that your experiences and current symptoms match those of PTSD then we encourage you to s...eek help from a medical professional as soon as possible. Please also consider that certain aspects discussed in this brochure may act as a trigger for those already experiencing PTSD or PTSD like symptoms. Please be aware of this and stop reading if you feel the brochure is upsetting you.
Discussion Paper "Mental health, poverty and development", July 2009
Training of Health-care Providers and Training manual Supporting material
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Know common presentations of children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Know assessment principles of child and adolescents with mental ...and behavioural
• Know management principles of child and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Use effective communication skills in interactions with children and adolescents with
mental and behavioural disorders.
• Perform an assessment for children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Assess and manage physical conditions of children with mental and behavioural
• Provide psychosocial interventions to children and adolescents with mental and
behavioural disorders and their carers.
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate to children and
adolescents with mental and behavioural disorders.
• Plan and perform follow-up for children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Refer to specialists and link children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
disorders with outside agencies where available.
Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments Specialized Booklet 3
Education for respect and understanding – inclusion and equity
Information Booklet for Parents
Esta publicación está dirigida a profesionales en formación o con práctica en salud mental y no para el público general. Las opiniones vertidas en este libro son de responsabilidad de sus autores y no representan necesariamente el punto de vista del Editor o de IAC...APAP. Esta publicación busca describir los mejores tratamientos y las prácticas basadas en la evidencia científica disponible en el tiempo en que se escribió, tal como fueron evaluadas por los autores, y éstas pueden cambiar como resultado de una nueva investigación. Los lectores deberán aplicar este conocimiento a los pacientes de acuerdo con las directrices y leyes de cada país en el que ejercen profesionalmente. Algunos medicamentos puede que no estén disponibles en algunos países por lo que los lectores deberán consultar la información específica del fármaco debido a que ni se mencionan todas las dosis ni todos los efectos no deseados. Las citas de organizaciones, publicaciones y enlaces de sitios de Internet tienen la finalidad de ilustrar situaciones o se enlazan como una fuente adicional de información; lo que no significa que los autores, el editor o IACAPAP
avalen su contenido o recomendaciones, que deberán ser analizadas de manera crítica por el lector. Los sitios de Internet, a su vez, también pueden cambiar o dejar de existir.
This toolkit consists of eight modules which have been prepared as stand-alone documents that can be read by themselves, but they have also been prepared to complement one another. It has been designed as a tool for health professionals and students in the health care and public health sectors who ...want to engage more directly on the issue of climate change as educators with their patients, peers and communities, and/or as advocates for the policies, programs and practices needed to mitigate climate change and/or prepare for climate change in their workplaces and communities
Training Manual for Community Health Workers