In response to the COVID-19 outbreak this risk communication package for healthcare facilities provides healthcare workers (HCWs) and healthcare facility management with the information, procedures, and tools required to safely and effectively work. The package contains a series of simplified and reminders based on WHO's more in-depth technical guidance on infection prevention and control in healthcare facilities in the context of COVID-19
Scientific Brief 9 July 2020
Severe acute respiratory infections treatment centre: practical manual to set up and manage a SARI treatment centre and a SARI screening facility in health care facilities
ECDC Technical Report, Fourth Update 3 July 2020
Short Version
This clinical practice guideline was developed in order to provide recommendations for the management of critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 in intensive care units (ICUs).
Presentation on PPE and standard precautions
Цель настоящего документа - дать указания по очистке и дезинфекции поверхностей окружающей среды в контексте КОВИД-19. Настоящее руководство предназначено для раб...тников здравоохранения, специалистов в области общественного здравоохранения и органов здравоохранения, которые разрабатывают и осуществляют политику и стандартные оперативные процедуры (СОП) по очистке и дезинфекции поверхностей окружающей среды в контексте КОВИД-19.
Переведено с помощью (бесплатная версия)
To provide recommendations on the initial care of persons with acute respiratory illness (ARI) in the context of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in healthcare facilities based on a decision-making process flowchart. These recommendations are preliminary and subject to review as new evidence becomes a...vailable. The recommendations provided in this document apply for adults olden than 18 years old.
Recomendações provisórias, versão 1 (13 de abril de 2020)
Oferecer recomendações sobre os cuidados iniciais de pessoas com infecção respiratória aguda (IRA) no contexto da doença do coronavírus (COVID-19), em estabelecimentos de saúde, com base no fluxograma do processo de tomada de dec...isão. Essas recomendações são preliminares e sujeitas à revisão, à medida que novas evidências estejam disponíveis. As recomendações dadas neste documento se aplicam a adultos com mais de 18 anos
Временные рекомендации
5 июня 2020 г
Ношение медицинской маски является одной из профилактических мер, которая может ограничить распространение ряда вирусных инф...кций, в том числе, COVID-19. Однако использования маски как единственного средства недостаточно для обеспечения адекватного уровня защиты, и следует принимать также другие меры. Независимо от применения масок первоочередное значение в профилактике передачи COVID-19 от человека к человеку имеет тщательное соблюдение гигиены рук и других мер ПИИК.
временное руководство, 13 мая 2020 г.
Целью настоящего документа является предоставле- ние временных рекомендаций по биологической без- опасности в лабораторных усл...виях, которые следует соблюдать при исследовании клинических образцов пациентов, подпадающих под определение случаев ин- фицирования новым патогеном, выявленным в Ухане, Китай, то есть коронавирусным заболеванием 2019 г. COVID-19.
The purpose of this document is to provide interim guidance to laboratories and stakeholders involved in laboratory testing of patients who meet the definition of suspected case of pneumonia associated with a novel coronavirus identified in Wuhan, China.
19 March 2020
In the current absence of vaccine for COVID-19, public health response target breaking the chain of infection by focusing on the mode of transmission. This paper summarizes current evidence-base around the transmission dynamics, pathogenic, and clinical features of COVID-19, to critically identify i...f there are any gaps in the current IPC guidelines.
Efficient triage of patients with COVID-19 at all health facility levels (primary, secondary and tertiary) will help the national response planning and case management system cope with patient influx, direct necessary medical resources to efficiently support the critically ill and protect the safety... of health-care workers. The objective of this algorithm is to give overall guidance for the triage and referral of symptomatic COVID-19 patients. Intended for use by ministries of health, hospital administrators and health workers involved in response planning for COVID-19 and/or patient triage, management and referral, this algorithm provides a general framework to be adapted to local health systems in countries.
Throughout the gestational period, it is important for obstetric health care facilities to strengthen health counselling, screening, and follow-ups for pregnant women, while incorporating screening, hand hygiene practice, good respiratory etiquette and infection prevention control precautions. These... screening procedures will help determine individualised precautions necessary, such as the wearing of face masks during consultations.
4 April 2020
This interim guidance on oxygen sources and distribution strategies for COVID-19 treatment has been adapted from WHO and UNICEF’s technical specifications and guidance for oxygen therapy devices, which is part of the WHO medical device technical series. This guidance is intended for facility administrators, clinical decision-makers, procurement officers, planning officers, biomedical engineers, infrastructure engineers and policy-makers. It describes how to quantify oxygen demand, identify oxygen sources that are available, and select appropriate surge sources to best respond to COVID-19 patients’ needs, especially in low-and-middle income countries.
Presently, there is no evidence that the virus responsible for the current COVID-19 pandemic is carried by domestic food-producing animals, such as chickens, ducks, other poultry, pigs, cattle, camels, horses, sheep, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs or fish. While live animals can be a source of pathogen...s, all types of food can potentially be contaminated through contact with contaminated equipment, surfaces or environments. Proper cleaning and the prevention of cross-contamination are critical in the control of foodborne illnesses. The application of sound principles of environmental sanitation, personal hygiene and established food safety practices will reduce the likelihood that harmful pathogens will threaten the safety of the food supply, regardless of whether the food is sourced from intensive agriculture, small stakeholders or wildlife.
Accessed: 02.05.2020
These consolidated guidelines provide recommendations for comprehensive prevention and case management strategies in Kenya
Scope of the Guidelines: Infection prevention and control Patient triage Emergency Medical Services Case management Laboratory testing algorithm
Target... Audience: Health care workers taking care of patients suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
These guidelines combine both preventive and clinical management of the disease in Kenyan context. The protocol borrows various international recommendations including the World Health Organization, from experience of other countries such as China that has struggled with the outbreak for a longer time and from principles of virology and infectious disease management.