Mental health problems are common and cause great suffering to individuals and communities around the world. They have a significant impact not only on the physical and mental health of those affected but also on their families and the communities they live in. At the same time, all communities have... their own traditional mechanisms for support and contain a range wide of resources that can be helpful in preventing mental health conditions from developing, promoting positive mental health and supporting the recovery of people that are struggling with a mental health condition.
In the wider context, people living with a mental health condition are often excluded from their communities and experience various violations to their basic human rights (discrimination, violence, exclusion from employment opportunities). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the mean prevalence of global mental health disorders is 10.8% while the prevalence in emergency settings is 22.1% in any conflict-affected population.
During emergencies and crisis, the stigma, exclusion and discrimination towards people living with mental health conditions is often higher, which can cause isolation and protection issues. Communities can play a crucial role in promoting mental health as well as enhancing primary care and access. Their role is to help reduce mental health inequalities by providing community resources that connect people to community-based resources and by providing mental health education. This also helps to reduce the massive mental health treatment gap.
As the Group of Eight (G8) world leaders meet in Saint Petersburg, Russia for this year’s G8 Summit, it is important to take stock of international efforts to finance the response to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. Financing a sufficient and sustained response to the epidemic has emerged as one of t...he world’s greatest challenges, and one that will be with us for the foreseeable future. Often, those countries most affected are also least able to respond, increasing their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and in turn further complicating their ability to address the epidemic, as is the case for many nations in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, concerns have been raised about “second wave” nations, particularly China, India, and Russia, which stand on the brink of generalized epidemics if more is not done now
This report shows that increased domestic revenues can and will cover only part of the necessary SDG budget spending of the LIDCs. Achieving the SDGs in the LIDCs will also require increases of both Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Private Development Assistance (PDA) to reach aggregate lev...els of SDG-directed development aid on the order of US$300-400 billion USD per year
In In recent years, China has increased its international engagement in health. Nonetheless, the lack
of data on contributions has limited efforts to examine contributions from China. Existing estimates that track
development assistance for health (DAH) from China have relied primarily on one data...set. Furthermore, little is known
about the disbursing agencies especially the multilaterals through which contributions are disbursed and how these
are changing across time. In this study, we generated estimates of DAH from China from 2007 through 2017 and
disaggregated those estimates by disbursing agency and health focus area.
Access to safe blood and blood products is recognized as one of the key requirements for delivery of modern health care in the journey towards health for all. The foundation of safe and sustainable blood supplies depends on the collection of blood from voluntary non-remunerated and low-risk donors. ...Data from the WHO Global Database for Blood Safety (GDBS) brings out several inadequacies related to the supply and safety of blood and blood products. These inadequacies include a number of variations in safe blood practices across the world, including the quantity of blood donated (voluntary and replacement types), quality and adequate testing of the donated blood (immunohaematology [IH] and transfusion-transmitted infections [TTIs]), rational use of blood and blood components such as appropriate patient blood management protocols. These variations are very high in countries of the South-East Asian Region and most of them are either low- or middle-income countries (LMICs).
Panorama de la Salud: Latinoamérica y el Caribe 2020 presenta indicadores clave sobre la salud y los sistemas de salud en 33 países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Esta primera edición del Panorama de la Salud sobre Latinoamérica y el Caribe fue preparada en conjunto por la OCDE y el Banco Mundia...l. Los análisis se basan en los datos comparables más recientes de alrededor de 100 indicadores sobre equidad, situación de salud, determinantes de la salud, recursos y actividades, gasto y financiación, y calidad en la atención de salud. El editorial discute los principales desafíos para la región en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19, incluyendo tanto el manejo de la epidemia como la movilización y el uso eficiente de recursos para asegurar una respuesta efectiva
Este documento de consenso brinda herramientas a los equipos de salud para acompañar modificaciones corporales vinculadas a procesos de construcción identitaria de niñeces y adolescencias trans, travestis y no binarias desde una mirada integral, basadas en la evidencia científica disponible, con...sensos internacionales y la experiencia de equipos locales que vienen trabajando en la temática. Cuenta con la revisión de integrantes de sociedades científicas y equipos de salud de diversas jurisdicciones del país.
Children continue to be exposed to powerful food marketing, which predominantly promotes foods high in saturated fatty acids, trans-fatty acids, free sugars and/or sodium and uses a wide variety of marketing strategies that are likely to appeal to children. Food marketing has a harmful impact on chi...ldren’s food choice and their dietary intake, affects their purchase requests to adults for marketed foods and influences the development of their norms about food consumption. Food marketing is also increasingly recognized as a children’s rights concern, given its negative impact on several of the rights enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.This WHO guideline provides Member States with recommendations and implementation considerations on policies to protect children from the harmful impact of food marketing, based on evidence specific to children and to the context of food marketing. Guidelines on other policies to improve the food environment are currently under development.
Ensuring mental health and well-being has become a worldwide imperative and an important target of the Sustainable Development Goals. But in all countries around the world, our response has been woefully insufficient, and we have made
little progress to advance mental health as a fundamental human ...right.
One in ten people are affected by a mental health condition, up to 200 million people have an intellectual disability and an estimated 50 million people have dementia. Many persons with mental health conditions, or psychosocial, intellectual, or cognitive disabilities lack access to quality mental health services that respond to their needs and respect their rights and dignity.
Навчальні та методичні модулі ініціативи ВООЗ QualityRights було розроблено з метою покращення знань, навичок та розуміння ключових зацікавлених сторін про те, як сприя...и дотриманню прав людини осіб з інвалідністю внаслідок психосоціальних, інтелектуальних та когнітивних порушень, а також задля підви¬щення якості послуг і видів підтримки, які надаються в охороні психічного здоров’я та пов’язаних сферах, у відповідності з міжнародними стандартами прав людини та, зокрема, з Конвенцією про права осіб з інвалідністю та підходом, орієнтованим на відновлення.
Los Marcos de Referencia para la Formación en Residencias Médicas constituyen una herramienta central del proceso de armonización de la formación en residencias en tanto establecen los componentes mínimos que tienen que estar presentes en la formación.
El objetivo de esta GPC es proporcionar recomendaciones para el tamizaje organizado
del CCR en el territorio nacional, permitiendo el acceso equitativo a medidas de
prevención y detección temprana de la enfermedad con el fin de disminuir la
incidencia y la mortalidad por el CCR en Argentina.... Esta guía está destinada a todos
aquellos trabajadores de la salud que desarrollen actividades de prevención del CCR.
La población objetivo incluye a aquellos individuos de riesgo promedio, sin
antecedentes personales ni familiares de CCR ni adenomas. Sin embargo, aquellos
individuos identificados con presencia de síntomas sospechosos de CCR, individuos
con incremento del riesgo para el desarrollo de esta enfermedad (síndrome de Lynch,
PAF, PAFA, poliposis hamartomatosas, síndrome de poliposis aserrada, EII, etc.) o con
antecedentes de resecciones de pólipos o adenomas, deberán ser priorizados en el
seguimiento o derivados a atención especializada consecuente, según las
recomendaciones vigentes.
Making the Case for Alcohol as a Public Health Threat in the Region. The purpose of this document is to explain the need for making alcohol a top public health priority in the region and the need for national and regional action. Current evidence-based research shows that alcohol consumption and dri...nking patterns in the Americas are at damaging levels, with the region surpassing global averages for many alcohol related problems.
The African Regional Convening of the Global Initiative to Support Parents (GISP) stimulated the interest or engagement of almost 1500 individuals from 742 unique organizations in the fields of health, education, social welfare, women’s affairs, early childhood, water and sanitation, mental health..., violence prevention, innovative finance, climate, and many others. The convening united representatives across governments, civil society organizations, programme implementers, philanthropies, multilateral organizations, bilateral funders, private companies, universities, schools and day care centres, and hospitals around the common cause of supporting parents and caregivers.
Este informe es el primero de la serie «Intención de pasar a la acción» de la OMS, cuyo objetivo es mejorar la limitada base de evidencia sobre la repercusión de la participación constructiva y abordar la falta de enfoques normalizados sobre cómo hacer operativa dicha participación. La serie... «Intención de pasar a la acción» pretende conseguirlo proporcionando una plataforma desde la que personas con experiencias vividas, y defensores de organizaciones e instituciones, puedan compartir soluciones, dificultades y prácticas prometedoras relacionadas con esta agenda transversal. Esta serie también tiene como objetivo proporcionar poderosas historias, inspiración y evidencia de cara a la Cuarta Reunión de Alto Nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre las ENT que se celebrará en 2025, así como lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas para 2030.
Para ello, este informe incluye seis estudios de casos procedentes de 12 personas con experiencias vividas de diversas dolencias. Se analizan temas como la dinámica del poder y la reorientación del poder hacia las personas con experiencias vividas; la toma de decisiones informada y la alfabetización sanitaria; la implicación de la comunidad en redes sanitarias y sistemas de salud más amplios; la experiencia vivida como evidencia y conocimientos; la exclusión y la importancia de implicar a los grupos que están marginados; y la promoción y los derechos humanos
Il s’agit du premier rapport d’une collection de l’OMS intitulée De l’intention à l’action, qui vise à renforcer la base de données probantes sur l’impact de la participation significative et à combler le manque d’approches normalisées pour permettre la participation significativ...e fonctionnelle. À cette fin, la collection De l’intention à l’action a été pensée comme plateforme pour que les personnes avec une expérience vécue ainsi que les organisations et institutions à la pointe sur ces questions puissent échanger sur les solutions, les difficultés et les pratiques prometteuses relatives à cet objectif transversal. Elle vise également à fournir des récits et des modèles puissants, ainsi que des données probantes dans la perspective de la quatrième réunion publique de haut niveau des Nations Unies sur les MNT, qui devrait se tenir en 2025, et en vue d’atteindre les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) à l’horizon 2030.
À cette fin, le présent rapport comprend six études de cas impliquant douze personnes avec une expérience vécue d’affections diverses. Ces études de cas analysent les dynamiques de pouvoir et la réorientation des pouvoirs en faveur des individus avec une expérience vécue, la prise de décision éclairée et les connaissances en matière de santé, la participation communautaire à l’échelle des réseaux et des systèmes de santé globaux, l’expérience vécue comme donnée probante et expertise, l’exclusion et l’importance de la participation des groupes qui sont marginalisés, ainsi que la défense d’une cause et les droits humains.
This report includes six case studies from 12 individuals with lived experience of diverse health conditions. These case studies explore the topics of power dynamics and power reorientation towards individuals with lived experience; informed decision-making and health literacy; community engagement ...across broader health networks and health systems; lived experience as evidence and expertise; exclusion and the importance of involving groups that are marginalized; and advocacy and human rights.
It is the first publication in the WHO Intention to action series, which aims to enhance the limited evidence base on the impact of meaningful engagement and address the lack of standardized approaches on how to operationalise meaningful engagement. The Intention to action series aims to do this by providing a platform from which individuals with lived experience, and organizational and institutional champions, can share solutions, challenges and promising practices related to this cross-cutting agenda. The Intention to action series also aims to provide powerful narratives,inspiration and evidence towards the Fourth United Nations High Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025 and achieving the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Le cadre de surveillance basé sur les événements est destiné à être utilisé par les autorités et les
agences responsables de la surveillance et de l'intervention. Ce cadre sert de cadre pour guider les
parties prenantes intéressées par la mise en œuvre de la surveillance basée sur le...s événements (SBÈ)
en utilisant une approche multisectorielle axée sur l'approche « Une seule santé ». À cette fin, le
document est organisé en chapitres et annexes interconnectés qui peuvent être modifiés et adaptés,
selon les besoins, par les utilisateurs.
Il s'agit d'une version révisée du « Cadre pour la surveillance basée sur les événements » original qui
a été publié en 2018. Ce cadre ne remplace aucun autre matériel SBÈ disponible, mais s'appuie plutôt
sur des documents pertinents ou connexes existants et sert de guide pratique pour la mise en œuvre
de l'SBÈ en Afrique. Ce cadre est conforme à la troisième édition de l'évaluation externe conjointe de
l'OMS pour les indicateurs suivants : systèmes d'alerte précoce renforcés capables de détecter les
événements importants pour la santé publique et la sécurité sanitaire (indicateur D2.1) ; amélioration
de la communication et de la collaboration entre les secteurs et entre les niveaux d'autorité nationaux,
intermédiaires et locaux d'intervention en matière de santé publique en matière de surveillance des
événements importants pour la santé publique (indicateur D2.2) ; et amélioration de la capacité
d'analyse des données aux niveaux national et intermédiaire ( Indicateur D2.3). Au fur et à mesure
que les pays commenceront à mettre en œuvre et à démontrer la fonctionnalité SBÈ, ils garantiront
une augmentation des scores EEC et des progrès vers le respect des exigences décrites dans l'RSI
(Règlement sanitaire international).
En outre, dans les États membres de l'Union africaine qui ont adopté la Surveillance et réponse
intégrées aux maladies (SRIM), ce document complète et peut améliorer la mise en œuvre de l'SRIM,
en particulier pour la 3e édition (2019) qui inclut des composants liés à l'SBÈ.
The Event-based Surveillance Framework is intended to be used by authorities and agencies responsible for
surveillance and response. This framework serves as an outline to guide stakeholders interested in implementing
event-based surveillance (EBS) using a multisectoral, One Health approach. To ...that end, the document is arranged
in interlinked chapters and annexes that can be modified and adapted, as needed, by users.
This is a revised version of the original “Framework for Event-based Surveillance” that was published in 2018. This
framework does not replace any other available EBS materials, but rather builds on existing relevant or related
documents and serves as a practical guide for the implementation of EBS in Africa. This framework is aligned with
the third edition of the WHO Joint External Evaluation for the following indicators: strengthened early warning
surveillance systems that are able to detect events of significance for public health and health security (Indicator
D2.1); improved communication and collaboration across sectors and between National, intermediate and local
public health response levels of authority regarding surveillance of events of public health significance (Indicator
D2.2); and improved national and intermediate-level capacity to analyse data (Indicator D2.3). As countries begin
to implement and demonstrate EBS functionality they will ensure an increase in JEE scores and progress towards
meeting the requirements outlined in the IHR3F
Additionally, in African Union Member States that have adopted the Integrated Disease Surveillance and
Response (IDSR) strategy, this document is a complement to and can enhance the implementation of IDSR,
especially for the 3rd edition (2019) that includes components related to EBS.
Two adjectives raise an issue for communicators working on Chagas disease (CD): “invisible and silent”. Two adjectives that can be ascribed to other neglected tropical diseases (NTD), but which are part of the essence of CD. Bringing CD out of its situation of neglect and oblivion is a mission e...ntrusted mainly to the world of communication as well as of science, politics and financial resources. However, communication has not always been considered among the priorities in the approach to the disease, except in valuable exceptions, some of which we have seen in the preceding article.