TB policies in 29 Countries
A survey of prevention, testing and treatment policies and practices
TB policies in 24 Countries
A survey of prevention, testing and treatment policies and practices
Лечение туберкулеза в 24 странах
Исследование диагностической и клинической практики
Patients and TB: Improving treatment outcomes through a patient centred approach and access to new treatments
5th TB Symposium – Eastern Europe and Central Asia Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and Médecins Sans Frontières
22- 23 March , 2016 , TBILISI , GEORGIA
2006-2008 programme report
Sexual violence is a major problem in South Africa, with studies showing that up to one in four women have been raped in their lifetime.
Modellprojekt von Ärzte ohne Grenzen zusammen mit dem Krankenhaus St. Josef in Schweinfurt.
Der vorliegende überarbeitete Leitfaden ist stark praxisorientiert und soll als ‚open source‘ zur Nachahmung anregen. Beschrieben werden die Schritte der Entwicklung unseres Modellprojektes ‘Niedersc...hwellige psychosoziale Hilfen für Geflüchtete’ in Deutschland von der Idee bis hin zur praktischen Umsetzung. Er ist als Erfahrungsbericht zu verstehen, die Arbeitsweise von ärzte ohne grenzen aus den Projektländern auf den deutschen Kontext zu übertragen. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Beschreibung der Ausbildung und der Arbeitsweise der Psychosozialen Peer-BeraterInnen. Sie stellen das Kernstück unseres Ansatzes im
Bereich der niederschwelligen psychosozialen Versorgung dar.
In March 2017 MSF and St Josef Hospital in Schweinfurt (Germany) began a pilot project for low threshold psychosocial support for refugees and asylum seekers. The project has been independently continued by St Josef Hospital from August 2017. Refugees and asylum seekers are approached with an inform...ation and counseling service from psychosocial peer counselors with relevant backgrounds (regarding language, culture and refugee experience). The psychosocial peer counselors undergo training with a specifically tailored curriculum and are supervised in their work by qualified staff.
A community-based approach.
These guidelines focus on manmade rather than natural disasters, but our experiences in India, El Salvador and Pakistan (earthquake interventions), and following the 2004 tsunami, cyclone Nargis in 2008 and the Haiti earthquake in 2010, showed that the principles describ...ed also work well in contexts of natural disasters.
This guide is strongly practice -oriented and intended as an open resource when replicating similar methods of psychosocial care in other projects. It describes the steps in the development of our pilot project
"Low threshold psychosocial support for refugees and asylum seekers’ in... Germany ", from the initial idea of the project to its practical implementation. It is to be understood as apractical report for transferring the working methods of MSF from project countries to the German context. A particular focus is the training and working methods of psychosocial peer counsellors. They are at the heart of our approach to low-
threshold psychosocial care
. MSF Essential Drugs Guidelines دليل عملي موجه للأطباء والصيادلة والممرضين والمساعدين الطبيين
دليل عملي موجه للقابلات والأطباء المدربين في مجال التوليد والعاملين بالرعاية الصحية الذين يتعاملون مع حالات الطوارئ التوليدية
Reflections and a call for action after a two-year exploration of emergency response in acute conflicts
There is general consensus that the humanitarian sector is failing to mount timely and adequate responses in the acute phase of conflict-related emergencies, according to the two-year Emergen...cy Gap Project by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
The Project has explored what works for or against effective emergency responses. Its final report, Bridging the emergency gap, draws on the Project’s thematic papers and case studies, and consultations with more than 150 senior-level representatives from 60 key organisations across the humanitarian sector.
This case study examines the humanitarian response to the conflict-related crisis in the North-East of Nigeria, focusing primarily on the period from 2015 to the end of 2016. The aim is test the central hypotheses of the Emergency Gap project: that the current structure, conceptual underpinning and... prevalent mindset of the international humanitarian system limits its capacity to be effective in response to conflict-related emergencies.
As with many conflict-related crises, the emergency in north-east Nigeria has deep and complex roots in the history of the region. The conflict began in 2009 and quickly developed beyond the control of the authorities. It unfolded in the midst of pre-existing political, social and economic tensions, making an effective humanitarian response exceedingly difficult. Despite this complexity, what is clear is that the crisis has resulted in a sprawling humanitarian disaster that has killed over 25,000 people as a direct result of the violence, and continues to devastate many more lives through hunger, psychological trauma and lack of access to healthcare.