PLoS Med 10(8): e1001501.
Доклад ВОЗ о глобальной табачной эпидемии, 2009 год: Создание среды, свободной от табачного дыма, – второй из серии докладов ВОЗ, в которых определяется состояние таб...ачной эпидемии и оценивается эффективность мер, принимаемых с целью положить ей конец.
Discussion Paper "Mental health, poverty and development", July 2009
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2000, 78 (6)
Noncommunicable diseases are major contributors to morbidity and mortality worldwide. Modifying the risk factors for these conditions, such as physical inactivity, is thus essential. Addressing the context or circumstances in which physical activity occurs may promote physical activity a...t a population level. We assessed the effects of infrastructure, policy or regulatory interventions for increasing physical activity.
We searched PubMed, Embase and to identify randomised controlled trials (RCTs), controlled before-after (CBAs) studies, and interrupted time series (ITS) studies assessing population-level infrastructure or policy and regulatory interventions to increase physical activity. We were interested in the effects of these interventions on physical activity, body weight and related measures, blood pressure, and CVD and type 2 diabetes morbidity and mortality, and on other secondary outcomes. Screening and data extraction was done in duplicate, with risk of bias was using an adapted Cochrane risk of bias tool. Due to high levels of heterogeneity, we synthesised the evidence based on effect direction.
We included 33 studies, mostly conducted in high-income countries. Of these, 13 assessed infrastructure changes to green or other spaces to promote physical activity and 18 infrastructure changes to promote active transport. The effects of identified interventions on physical activity, body weight and blood pressure varied across studies (very low certainty evidence); thus, we remain very uncertain about the effects of these interventions. Two studies assessed the effects of policy and regulatory interventions; one provided free access to physical activity facilities and showed that it may have beneficial effects on physical activity (low certainty evidence). The other provided free bus travel for youth, with intervention effects varying across studies (very low certainty evidence).
Evidence from 33 studies assessing infrastructure, policy and regulatory interventions for increasing physical activity showed varying results. The certainty of the evidence was mostly very low, due to study designs included and inconsistent findings between studies. Despite this drawback, the evidence indicates that providing access to physical activity facilities may be beneficial; however this finding is based on only one study. Implementation of these interventions requires full consideration of contextual factors, especially in low resource settings.
The Indigenous tribe called the Wiwa lives retracted in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Little is known about their health status and whether the health care system in place covers their needs.
hese are two parallel guidelines, one for small hospitals and another one for large hospitals. In view of heavy burden of malaria and prevalence of drug resistant falciparum malaria in the South-East Asia Region, the guidelines were developed for use by medical personnel who treat severe malaria pat...ients, referred from lower-level health facilities. The guidelines were developed by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia and the WHO Collaborating Centre for the Clinical Management of Malaria, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand. The guidelines are based on a review of current evidence, existing WHO guidelines and experience in the management of malaria in the Region
The Lancet Published Online
October 8, 2021 S0140-6736(21)02143-7
The WHO COVID-19 LENS (Living Evidence Synthesis) working group consolidated available evidence, based on rapid reviews of the literature and results of a living systematic review on pregnancy and COVID-19 (up to October 7, 2020), on potential mechanisms of vertical transmission of infectious pathog...ens, feasibility of vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2, data related to interpretation of positive SARS-CoV-2 virologic and serologic neonatal tests, lessons from diagnosis of other congenital infections, and existing proposed definitions to classify timing of vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
Nat Med (2021).
Definition and categorization of the time of vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Scientific report 8 February 2021
В настоящем документе представлен первоначальный обзор поступающей информации
(по состоянию на 2 июля 2020 г.) о взаимосвязи между COVID-19, НИЗ и факторами
риска НИЗ. Ре...цензируемые статьи взяты из баз данных NCBI PubMed, PMC и Google
Scholar. Данный обзор свидетельствует о том, что лица, живущие с НИЗ, подвержены
более высокому риску развития тяжелого заболевания и смерти в связи с COVID-19,
и об ограниченности данных для оценки риска. Наряду с этим в нем обобщаются
результаты двух проведенных ВОЗ обследований, указывающих на то, что с началом
пандемии была серьезно нарушена система предоставления услуг по профилактике и
лечению НИЗ.
Response to non-communicable diseases during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Clinical care for severe acute respiratory infection: toolkit: COVID-19 adaptation
Clinical care for severe acute respiratory infection: toolkit: COVID-19 adaptation
Se sabe que las mujeres embarazadas experimentan cambios inmunológicos y fisiológicos que pueden hacerlas más susceptibles a las infecciones respiratorias virales, incluido COVID-19. Varios estudios revelaron que las mujeres embarazadas con diferentes enfermedades resp...iratorias virales tenían un alto riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones obstétricas y resultados adversos perinatales en comparación con las mujeres no grávidas, debido a los cambios en las respuestas inmunes. También sabemos que las mujeres embarazadas pueden estar en riesgo de enfermedad grave, morbilidad o mortalidad en comparación con la población general, tal y como se observa en los casos de otras infecciones por coronavirus
5relacionadas [incluido el coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS-CoV) y el coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio del Medio Oriente (MERS-CoV)] y otras infecciones respiratorias virales, como la gripe, durante el embarazo.