Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; Direktorat Jenderal Kesehatan Masyarakat:
Booklets, Posters, Leaflets, Videos and more. For your own download.
Other website: http://pusatkrisis.kemkes.go.id/
The SPPCHS project worked with the Ministry of Home Affairs to design a peer education program for prisons to provide knowledge, skills, and tools to prevent and respond to tuberculosis (TB) and HIV in prisons. AIDSFree held two training of trainers (TOT) in Dodoma to train 55 prison officers from 2...6 prison facilities to train prison staff and inmates on the new peer education program.
Overuse of antimicrobial agents occurs globally in both community and hospital settings. Misuse of antibiotics can lead to a variety of adverse outcomes, including the development of antimicrobial resistanceand increased cost of hospitalization. This issuehas been particularly problematic in de...veloping countries, where antibiotic-management programs rarely exist and where antibiotics can be purchased without aprescription. In Thailand, the rate of antibiotic resistance among gram-positive and gram-negative or-ganisms has increased significantly over the past decade. These findings provide compelling evidence ofthe need for more-rational use of antimicrobial agents in Thailand.
Clinical Infectious Diseases2006; 42:768–752006 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Today, the world is facing a learning crisis: While millions of children have entered education systems for the first time, many of them cannot read, write or do basic mathematics, even after several years of primary school.1 This global learning crisis has its roots in children’s earliest years, ...when failure to invest in quality early childhood education (ECE)results in children starting school already behind in a host of critical skills they need to succeed in primary school.2Investing in the foundations of learning during the child’s early years benefits children,3 families, education systems and societies at large.4 Participation in quality ECE sets in motion a positive learning cycle and is a proven strategy to address the global learning crisis at its roots by closing early learning gaps, strengthening the efficiency of education systems and providing a solid foundation for human capital development and economic grow
This curricula guide builds on several existing products of WHO and partners, aimed at supporting countries in their effort to address the first objective of the GAP-AMR (to improve awareness and understanding of AMR). It is targeted specifically at health educators and policy planners, and applies ...a systematic modular and submodular collection of learning objectives and outcomes that are organized according to the key occupational groups involved in the use of antimicrobials in human health. It is hoped that educators, faculties of heath personnel training institutions, health regulatory institutions and other users will find it a useful resource in meeting their respective needs for strengthening health workers’ contributions to containing AMR.
تتكون هذه المذكرة من 20 صفحة وهي تمثل وثيقة حية سيتم تحديثها استجابة للتغيرات في احتياجات الأطفال والمراهقين والشباب والمعلمين ومقدمي
الرعاية وغيرهم من العاملين ف... مجال التعليم المتأثرين بأزمة فيروس كورونا.
تعتمد المذكرة الفنية على المعايير الدنيا للتعليم لدى الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارىء: الاستعداد والاستجابة والتعافي باعتبارها إطار عمل العالمي لتقديم تعليم جيد في حالات الطوارىء. تتضمن المذكرة الفنية أقسامًا خمس تتماشى مع مختلف مراحل الاستجابة للجائحة. يتم تسليط الضوء على الإجراءات الأساسية والمهام المقترحة والمصادر العملية في المذكرة طوال الوقت.
This tool provides guidance on how to adapt and use information, education and communication (IEC) materials so that they can be understood by people with disabilities. People with disabilities have a right to access all information relating to gender-based violence (GBV...) programs on an equal basis with others.
Children in every country are struggling with the impact of COVID-19. An entire generation has had its education disrupted, from nurseries and pre-primaries to universities and apprenticeships
What school closures under COVID-19 mean for children and young people in
crisis-affected contexts