ACAPS Primary Data Collection report: November 2015.
This report reflects the views and voices of 53 university students in Sierra Leone and results from a focus group discussion held at the Geography Department, at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, on 20 October 2015. As th...e response moves towards recovery and long-term development planning, the perceptions of the younger generation on the crisis highlight their priorities for the future.
Ein Handbuch für die ehrenamtliche Flüchtlingshilfe in Baden Württemberg. Es ist ein Buch zum „Immer-Griffbereit-haben“ im handlichen Taschenformat. Auf 140 Seiten sind die wichtigsten Themen für die Arbeit mit Flüchtlingen zusammengestellt und mit informativen Hinweisen, guten Beispielen der Praxis, wichtigen Adressen und Ansprechpartnern angereichert. Das Handbuch können Sie kostenlos bestellen.
Open Online Courses include topics in Global Health, are short and designed for self-study. They are available free and can be accessed by anyone. Most offer a certificate. The course topics are: Climate Change; Public Health; Refugee Health; Diseases in Developing Countries; Basic Epidemiology, etc....
Capability and Performance
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2014,3 :31
Information for families affected
13280–13285 / PNAS / September 9, 2008 / vol. 105 / no. 36
Privind implementarea proiectului „sporirea rolului pacientului și a comunității în controlul Tuberculozei în moldova” anul 2012.
Raport elaborat de Centrul pentru Politici și Analize în Sănătate.