Research Article
PLOS Medicine | July 31, 2018 / 1-19
Perspectives sur les drogues
Regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and breast and colon cancer. It also helps to prevent hypertension, overweight and obesity and can improve mental health, quality of life
and well-being.
An update from the EU Early Warning System
Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2018;42:e45.
J Mov Disord > Volume 11(2); 2018 > Article
Review Article
J Mov Disord 2018; 11(2): 53-64.
Published online: May 30, 2018
Dziva Chikwari et al. Implementation Science (2018) 13:70
Version 1.1
Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Am Beispiel des Kontexts der Syrien- und Irakkrise
Das Positionspapier zeigt auf, was gute psychosoziale Arbeit mit Geflüchteten ausmacht und welche Risiken es zu berücksichtigen gilt. Es richtet sich an Akteur*innen aus dem MHPSS-Sektor, die im Kontext der Syrien- und Irakkrisen mit Flüchtlinge...n im Nahen Osten arbeiten sowie an Ministerien und wissenschaftliche Institutionen.
Includes a Special Report on the Financial and Personal Benefits of Early Diagnosis
2018 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures is a statistical resource for U.S. data related to Alzheimer’s disease,
the most common cause of dementia. Background and context for interpretating the data are con...tained in
the Overview. Additional sections address prevalence, mortality and morbidity, caregiving and use and costs of health care and services. A Special Report discusses the financial and personal benefits of diagnosing earlier in the disease process, in the stage of mild cognitive impairment.
PFA for Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has several parts that can be used separately or together. It comprises this guide, a small booklet on PFA, and four training modules on PFA. This guide has general information about psychological first aid. It can be used on its own for psycho-education ...and as a reference for the training modules that accompany it. The training modules include instructions, notes, and training resources for the facilitators.
La PFA pour les Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge comprend plusieurs parties qui peuvent être utilisées séparément ou ensemble. Il comprend ce guide, un petit livret sur l'APF et quatre modules de formation sur l'APF. Ce guide contient des informations générales sur les secours psychologiques. Il peut être utilisé seul pour la psycho-éducation et comme référence pour les modules de formation qui l'accompagnent. Les modules de formation comprennent des instructions, des notes et des ressources de formation pour les animateurs.
Module 12:
Adolescents and young adults
July 2018
Module 12: Adolescents and young adults. This module is for people who are interested in providing PrEP services to older adolescents and young adults who are at substantial risk for HIV. It provides information on: factors that influence HIV... susceptibility among young people; clinical considerations for safety and continuation on PrEP; ways to improve access and service utilization; and inclusive monitoring approaches to improve the recording and reporting of data on young people.
Although Kenyans enjoy comparatively good health, the prevalence of
chronic disease is increasing and our ageing population is placing evergrowing pressures on the finite resources of our health system.
Palliative care has been shown to provide significant and diverse benefits for patients with serious, complex,or life-limiting health problem.
Jamison DT, Gelband H, Horton S, Jha P, Laxminarayan R, Mock CN, Nugent R., editors. Disease Control Priorities, 3rd Edition,
Volume 9: Improving Health an...d Reducing Poverty. Washington DC: World Bank 2018. doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-0527-1