Briefing note prepared by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, August 2014
January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86616
These Guidelines comprise a General Guidelines document that provides the basic parameters of DG ECHO humanitarian health assistance, complemented by specific Technical Guidance in annex.
The transformation of the humanitarian landscape has already made a significant impact on the operational security of INGOs and other humanitarian actors. This report serves to inform strategic policy priorities and approaches to security planning and coordination, and addresses three main questions...: 1. What are the emerging trends, developments and drivers of change that are likely to affect or change security issues and considerations in the humanitarian environment of the future? 2. How will the humanitarian sector need to adapt in order to continue to deliver programmes within this changing operational context? 3. How prepared are organisations for this future, and what might they need to do differently in order to be prepared?
The overall aim of the study was to understand the acceptability and usefulness of PHC clinical placements for nursing and midwifery students.
The key question addressed in this article is social inclusion, as an opposite concept of social exclusion. The author provides a historical of social inclusion/exclusion terminology. Further, some of the principles of social inclusion are presented. In the end, the article focuses on the role of ed...ucation as a very important and useful tool for ensuring social inclusion.Social inclusion through education, in particular through vocational education, considered by the author as the only way towards sustainable development of Albanian society.
This annual report outlines achievements and challenges of delivering these partnerships. NUDOR takes this opportunity to thank all organizations, individuals and decision makers who have supported NUDOR to contribute to the promotion, respect and realization of the rights of persons with
This document, Ghana’s National Newborn Health Strategy and Action Plan 2014–2018 outlines a targeted strategy for accelerating the reduction of newborn deaths in Ghana. Furthermore it provides a costed action plan with clearly marked timelines for implementation to facilitate resource mobilisat...ion, monitoring and evaluation, and scaling up of proposed newborn interventions. It is expected that all stakeholders working towards improving the health of children in Ghana will buy into this plan and collaborate towards attainment of the goals and objectives outlined here.
The Human Resources for Health policy (HRH) will provide guidelines and the direction toward strengthening the planning, management, utilization and monitoring of health sector human resources; not forgetting responses to the contemporary challenges and developments in the sector including the mobil...ity and motivation of human resources; and advancements in technology.
This report highlights key achievements registered by the Ministry of Health, affiliated institutions, implementing agencies both at central and decentralized levels in 2013-2014. Generally, the Health Sector accomplishments and programs routine data for 2013-2014 confirm that Rwanda maintains its p...rogress towards the realization of health-related MDGs and national health targets as well.
Final Report: Women in War
This paper has been commissioned by RedR to identify gaps in skills, technology, and knowledge in urban humanitarian response in order to inform RedR’s project Ready to Respond which is looking to address these gaps in two specific areas:
Water supply, sanitation, and hygiene; Shelter res...ponse to earthquakes
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