Ce document présente un résumé des mesures de lutte contre l’infection et de prévention qui est destiné à toute personne prodiguant directement ou indirectement des soins à des cas suspects ou confirmés de maladie à virus Ebola dans des établissements de santé
One of the most important ways we feel we can help to reduce the burden of cancer in Africa is to work with African cancer advocacy organisations to help educate and advocate about cancer in their countries. To this end in 2010 we designed with our partners, 13 posters for use in Africa
giving heal...th and lifestyle tips on how to avoid cancer and highlighting the early warning sign and symptoms of common cancers in Africa
The Human Resources for Health policy (HRH) will provide guidelines and the direction toward strengthening the planning, management, utilization and monitoring of health sector human resources; not forgetting responses to the contemporary challenges and developments in the sector including the mobil...ity and motivation of human resources; and advancements in technology.
J Infect Dis. (2012) 206 (suppl. 1): S61-S67
Influenza data gaps in sub-Saharan Africa include incidence, case fatality, seasonal patterns, and associations with prevalent disorders. The authors found that the burden of influenza was small during 2007–2010 in this paediatric hospital in Kenya. In...fluenza A virus subtype H3N2 predominated, and 2009 pandemic influenza A virus subtype H1N1 had little impact
Participant Manual September 2012
Surveillance of Populations at High Risk for HIV Transmission
The manual is written for clinicians working at the district hospital (first-level referral care) who diagnose and manage sick adolescents and adults in resource constrained settings. It aims to support clinical reasoning, and to provide an effective clinical approach and protocols for the managemen...t of common and serious or potentially life-threatening conditions at district hospitals. The target audience thus includes doctors, clinical officers, health officers, and senior nurse practitioners. It has been designed to be applicable in both high and low HIV prevalence settings.
Volume 2 provides a symptom-based approach to clinical care for acute and subacute conditions (including mental health). It provides short summaries of the management of diseases that affect multiple systems of the body, focusing on communicable diseases. It also includes the chronic or long-term management of HIV, TB, alcohol, and substance use disorders.
The purpose of this document is to inform the public about biological and chemical hazards and thereby prepare the population for an immediate response in the event of an incident until public health support is provided.
The agents reported here are: Anthrax, Botulism, Haemorrhagic Fever,
...Smallpox, the Plague, Tularaemia, Chlorine, Cyanide, Lewisite, Mustard Gas,
Ricin, Sarin, Soman, Tabun and VX. This list is not exhaustive and no doubt
other dangerous types could be produced. They have been selected as they are the most often mentioned threats. This information has been prepared with the public in mind, and thus much of the medical terminology has been removed and replaced with every day language.
Also available in Arabic: http://www.who.int/csr/delibepidemics/biochem_threatsAR.pdf?ua=1
"The aim of this book remains as for the first edition, namely to provide an initial point of ready
reference for the identification of hazards and precautions for dangerous chemicals. It is targeted
not only at those in the chemical and process industries, but also anyone likely to work with
che...micals within industry and in the service sector, e.g. hospitals, universities, research laboratories,
engineering, agriculture, etc. "
EN ESTA EDICIÓN: Vacunación oral contra el cólera en la isla de La Española | Segunda reunión anual de la Comisión Regional de Monitoreo y Reverificación de la Eliminación del Sarampión y la Rubéola | Certificados digitales como ejemplo de transformación digital en la inmunización | La O...PS desarrolla un programa piloto de implantación de indicadores de monitoreo y evaluación con el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia mediante datos de su Registro Nominal de Vacunación Electrónico | Clasificación final de casos en la Región de las Américas, 2022.
[Presentación] El presente libro, elaborado por integrantes de múltiples generaciones
de técnicos e investigadores salvadoreños dedicados a la enfermedad de Chagas, refleja claramente su actual situación epidemiológica, la evolución
histórica de la misma y los retos y perspectivas que la... prevención, control
y atención médica de la enfermedad de Chagas presentan al país.
También se destaca el aporte de la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional del Japón (JICA), que junto con OPS en Centroamérica y CIDA Canadá en Honduras, han ocupado un capítulo fundamental en el desarrollo de la vigilancia y control de la Enfermedad de