The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is the worst in the world, with over 80 per cent of the population estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance. The protracted crisis has displaced millions of Yemenis, placing pressure on host communities with limited capacity to support displaced populations....
The COVID-19 pandemic is having far reaching impacts, well beyond the health crisis and needs, with the most severe impacts experienced in the poorest countries and those most vulnerable to humanitarian crises including natural disasters, such as Nepal.
As of 21 May 2020, 4.8 million confirmed cases of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been reported globally. In South America, COVID-19 was first detected on 26 February 2020, when Brazil confirmed a case in São Paulo.
Nested case-control study of health workers exposed to confirmed COVID-19 patients.
Similar objectives to the cohort study but case-control studies may be cheaper and provide robust evidence to characterize and assess the risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection in health workers exposed to COVID-19 p...atients.
Health workers with confirmed COVID-19 will be recruited as cases and other health workers in the same health care setting without infection will be recruited as controls (incidence density sampling).
Secondary objectives are similar to the cohort study.
Childhood cancer is curable for the vast majority of children when essential diagnostic, therapeutic and supportive care services are accessible. However, profound inequalities in outcomes exist within and between countries with as few as 20% or 30% of children living in low- and middle-income count...ries surviving.
The Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer Overview document presents the CureAll approach to support governments, partners and communities achieve the best possible cancer care for all children. This approach, summarized as four pillars of action supported by three enablers, will improve the care for children with cancer around the world.
The current COVID-19 epidemic, like other infectious disease outbreak
previously, imposes to Child Protection actors to work and deliver services with
great creativity and flexibility, especially in those areas of interventions
traditionally relying on group-gathering (i.e. Child Friendly Spaces)... and face-toface
This guideline is for:
• health and care practitioners
• health and care staff involved in planning and delivering services
• commissioners.
The recommendations bring together:
• existing national and international guidance and policies
• advice from specialists working in the NHS across the UK. These include people with
expertise and experience of treating patients for the specific health conditions covered by the
guidance during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
غير مسبوق على تعليم الأطفال ً خطرا19-يمثل إغلاق المدارس في جميع أنحاء العالم في إطار الاستجابة لجائحة كوفيد الحكومات والجهات المانحة أن ًوحمايتهم وعافيتهم. وقد دعا ا...لأمين العام للأمم المتحدة، السيد «أنطونيو غوتيريش»، مؤخراس التحالف العالمي للتعليم لدعم الحكومات ِّسُتولي الأولوية لتعليم جميع الأطفال بمن فيهم الأكثر عرضة للتهميش، كما أعد وتيسير إعادة فتح المدارس.ُفي تعزيز التعلم عن ب
Medicina (B. Aires) vol.80 supl.6 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires dic. 2020
La tuberculosis es una enfermedad infecciosa crónica endémica en la República Argentina causada
por Mycobacterium tuberculosis, cuya localización más frecuente es la pulmonar. Suele afectar
grupos poblacionales car...enciados y tiene gran repercusión sobre la salud pública. COVID-19 es una infección
viral aguda caus 101-ada por SARS-CoV-2 que tiene típico compromiso respiratorio y, en ocasiones, puede pre-
sentar similitudes clínicas y radiológicas con la tuberculosis pulmonar. Ambas entidades pueden tener desenlace
fatal si no son diagnosticadas y tratadas a tiempo.
Over 1 million women in Burkina Faso caught between conflict and COVID-19
More than a million women and girls in Burkina Faso are facing increased sexual violence, hunger and water shortage as a result of the coronavirus pandemic on top of the existing conflict, said Oxfam today.
In its report “...Women in Burkina Faso’s crisis: survivors and heroines”, Oxfam reveals that women and girls are exposed to unprecedented risks including daily harassment and aggression, especially in the fields and at water points.
The Venezuelan refugee and migrant crisis is one of the biggest external displacement crises in the world today. The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded an already desperate situation for many refugees and migrants, as well as their hosts, sorely testing health and social welfare systems and the abilit...y of countries to assist the vulnerable population.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
This document updates the earlier version published in April 2020. In recent weeks, information on the potential use of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of people with COVID-19 has been disseminated in academic journals and public media. Although there are now ongoing clinical tri...als testing the efficacy and safety of several medicines for COVID-19, as of the date of this document, there is a lack of quality evidence to demonstrate chloroquine and/or hydroxychloroquine are effective in the treatment of COVID-19. Evidence is recently emerging via small studies with sub-optimal methodologies that are conflicting.
The purpose of this brief is to provide practical tips for UNICEF country offices, partners and young people themselves on engaging adolescents and youth as part of the COVID-19 preparedness and response. As a first step, we recommend engaging with adolescents and youth to understand what their need...s are, and how they can take action. Consultations with adolescents and youth is your best ‘go-to’ resource to determine how UNICEF can engage, protect, and support adolescents and youth in the COVID-19 response.
Remember that the ‘do not harm’ principle must always be applied. All actions should be evaluated for potential risks for harm and, as necessary, plans developed to mitigate those risks.
The interim Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP) guidance is designed to be a short technical step-by-step guide aimed at non-Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) countries to support the development, or strengthening, of preparedness measures to ensure that country teams are operationally ready to imp...lement activities to address the potential non-health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and its compound effect on existing risks. The interim guidance is based on the IASC 2015 ERP Guidance.
The spread of COVID-19 poses a challenge for emerging markets such as those in Africa and Latin America. While governments around the world are suffering from a shortage of ventilators, hospital beds, and personal protective equipment, availability of these items is already extremely limited in some... countries. In Africa, countries including Mali, Liberia, and Burkina Faso have only a few ventilators available to aid their populations, and there is also a lack of reliable oxygen supplies, ICUs, and healthcare workers to treat the sick. Additionally, many countries in Africa are already suffering from food insecurity and weak economies, which will worsen the long-term effects of coronavirus.
Keeping these factors in mind, GeoPoll conducted a remote study in 12 countries in sub-Saharan Africa on the effects coronavirus is already having on people throughout the region.