Readily access selected guidelines, reports and other knowledge resources to enhance evidence-informed, multisectoral, and multistakeholder initiatives in NCD prevention and control – curated by WHO's Global NCD Platform and supported by GCM Participants.
People with asthma should be encouraged to take part in any sport they choose. If someone with asthma is having difficulty with sport, it means their asthma may not be under control. You will need to see your doctor to review your controller treatment and the way you use your medications in oder to ...allow you to live your life to the full with no limitations on activities or sport.
The prevalance of asthma an allergy, defined as immunologically mediated hypersensitivity, is increasing. It is estimated that over 20% of the world population suffers from IgE-mediated allergic disease, such as allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis, atopic eczema/atopic der...matitis, and anaphylaxis. Asthma, which in more than 50% of adults and in at least 80% of affected children is allergic, occurs in around 5-15% in the paediatric population. Asthma it estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to affect about 150 million people worldwide, placing an enormous strain on health resources in many countries, and is a major cause of hospitalizations for chronic diseases in children in the western wolrd.
Information may be derived from areas where a rapid increase in disease has occured, to from the basis for prevention strategies in areas where the prevalence of these diseases is still low. Where current expert opinion is still divided, where future research is required, or studies have provided negative results, the available information may prevent the implementation of unnecessary, restrictive, and costly avoidance strategies.
Given the intimate association between silicosis and tuberculosis, understanding the epidemiology of the South African gold mining industry silicosis epidemic is essential to current initiatives to control both silicosis and tuberculosis in this population, one of the most heavily affected globally.... The study’s objectives were to compare the prevalence of silicosis among working black gold miners in South Africa during 2004–2009 to that of previous studies, including autopsy series, and to analyse the influence of silicosis and/or tuberculosis on exiting employment.
The article "Best (and Worst) Oatmeal for Type 2 Diabetes" from Everyday Health discusses the benefits of incorporating oatmeal into a diabetes-friendly diet. It emphasizes that oatmeal, being rich in fiber and essential minerals like magnesium, potassium, and iron, can aid in blood sugar control, s...upport heart health, and assist with weight management.
The document "Diabetes in Pregnancy" by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) outlines quality standards for managing diabetes in women during pregnancy, with a focus on five key areas. First, it emphasizes the importance of preconception planning for women of childbearing age wit...h diabetes. These women should receive guidance on optimizing their health before pregnancy, including achieving target HbA1c levels and taking high-dose folic acid to minimize risks. Second, joint diabetes and antenatal care is recommended for pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes, who should be seen early in pregnancy (ideally by 10 weeks gestation) by a combined diabetes and antenatal team to ensure optimal care throughout their pregnancy.
The third focus area is continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), which should be offered to pregnant women with type 1 diabetes. This includes either real-time CGM or flash monitoring to help improve blood glucose control and reduce complications during pregnancy. Fourth, postnatal testing and referral are essential for women diagnosed with gestational diabetes, who should receive glucose testing after birth to detect any persistent diabetes. Those eligible are referred to the National Diabetes Prevention Programme to lower their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Lastly, the document recommends annual HbA1c testing for women with a history of gestational diabetes to monitor for type 2 diabetes development.
These standards aim to improve pregnancy outcomes for women with diabetes by providing individualized, accessible, and culturally appropriate care.
Asthma is a heterogeneous condition characterised by chronic inflammation and variable expiratory airflow limitation, as well as airway reversibility. The diagnosis of asthma in young children is limited by the inability to perform objective lung function testing in this group of patients and the variety of conditions that can phenotypically present with asthma-like symptoms.
This article provides an evidence-based approach for clinicians to accurately diagnose asthma in young children and to assess the level of control to guide therapeutic decisions.
The South African Childhood Asthma Working Group (SACAWG) convened in January 2017 with task groups, each headed by a section leader, constituting the editorial committee on assessment of asthma epidemiology, diagnosis, control, treatments, novel treatments and self-management plans. The asthma diagnosis and control task groups reviewed the available scientific literature and assigned evidence according to the Grades of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system, providing recommendations based on current evidence.
• is one of the most common respiratory complaints in the world today.
• affects one in ten children (10%) and one in twenty adults (5%)
• can occur for the first time at any age, even in adulthood.
•usually begins before the age of five years. A few children affected will ...outgrow” it during their teenage years but it usually persists if contracted in adulthood.
• tends to run in families as do related allergic conditions like hay fever and eczema.
• cannot as yet be cured but if kept under control, those affected will be able to live normal lives enjoying full involvement in sport and all other activities.
Asthma is a very commom condition. It cannot be cured, but can controlled with effective medication, good technique, and good monitoring by the patients are having no or few symptoms, no attacks needingg hospital visits and no or little emergency reliever medication use. Another way of assessing ast...hma control is to do tests that measure the function of your lungs. These tests are sometimes also done to help with the diagnosis of asthma.
As part of efforts to celebrate World Asthma Day (WAD), May 2, 2023, and reduce the burden of asthma in Nigeria, the Nigerian Thoracic Society (NTS) has advocated education of asthma patients and carers as an integral part of asthma care to achieve optimal control of symptoms and exacerbation.
Since 2016, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has been promoting the implementation of the HEARTS Initiative in the Americas as a regional adaptation of the World Health Organization's Global HEARTS Initiative. During this time, 33 countries in the Region of the Americas have committed to ...implementing HEARTS, and PAHO has developed many technical resources to support them. Most of these resources are clinical tools for primary healthcare teams and focus on quality improvement. This compendium aims to group all these clinical tools in a single document under a simple format that facilitates their practical implementation in daily clinical practice. The reader will notice that each tool is summarized on a single page and presented in a modular format. Therefore, each tool can be used together or separately as needed. In addition, at the bottom of each tool, the reader will find the references and hyperlinks to access full texts in case deeper knowledge is required.
Desde el 2016, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) ha promovido la implementación de la Iniciativa HEARTS en las Américas, una adaptación regional de la estrategia Global HEARTS de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Durante este tiempo, 33 países de la Región de las Amé se han comprometido a implementar HEARTS y la OPS ha desarrollado una amplia variedad de herramientas clínicas para asistir a los equipos de salud en su trabajo cotidiano e impulsarlos a buscar la mejora continua de la calidad. Este compendio pretende presentar en un solo documento, y de manera simple y didáctica, todos los recursos técnicos desarrollados por la Iniciativa HEARTS en las Américas para facilitar su implementación en la práctica diaria del ámbito clínico. El lector notará que cada herramienta se detalla en una sola página y se presenta en un formato modular. Por lo tanto, cada herramienta se puede utilizar en conjunto o por separado según sea necesario. Además, en la parte inferior de cada herramienta, el lector encontrará las referencias y los enlaces para acceder a los textos completos en caso de que los usuarios deseen profundizar más su conocimiento respecto a cada tema.
Website last accessed on 20.03.2024: The Global Cancer Observatory (GCO) is an interactive web-based platform presenting global cancer statistics to inform cancer control and research.
Tobacco kills up to half of its users who don’t quit (1-3).
Tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year, including an estimated 1.3 million non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke Around 80% of the world's 1.3 billion tobacco users live in low- and middle-income countries.In 2020,... 22.3% of the world’s population used tobacco: 36.7% of men and 7.8% of women.
To address the tobacco epidemic, WHO Member States adopted the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) in 2003. Currently 182 countries are Parties to this treaty.
The WHO MPOWER measures are in line with the WHO FCTC and have been shown to save lives and reduce costs from averted healthcare expenditure.
This guideline covers diagnosing, monitoring and managing asthma in adults, young people and children. It aims to improve the accuracy of diagnosis, help people to control their asthma and reduce the risk of asthma attacks. It does not cover managing severe asthma or acute asthma attacks. It emphasi...zes the importance to include advice in the personalised
action plan on minimising indoor air pollution and reducing exposure to outdoor air pollution.
Asthma is a heterogeneous condition characterised by chronic inflammation and variable expiratory airflow limitation, with airway reversibility. Management of chronic inflammation with anti-asthma medication improves asthma control and quality of life. The aim of this journal is to provide an eviden...ce-based approach for chronic asthma management in young children and adolescents and provide guidance on the use of new asthma drugs in children.
For that, the South African Childhood Asthma Working Group (SACAWG) convened in January 2017. The asthma treatment task group reviewed the available scientific literature and international asthma treatment guidelines. The evidence was then graded according to the Grades of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system and recommendations were made based on scientific evidence and local context. Asthma management recommendations were made for children ˂6 years of age and older children and adolescents, as well as for stepping up and stepping down of therapy. This review does not include biologics or novel asthma drugs, which are covered in another CME article in this edition of SAMJ.
The final conclusions are that it is important to ensure good response, treatment and adherence, type of medication, device and checking of technique are all critical. Stepping up of therapy should be done only after ensuring good adherence and technique. Once therapeutic response is achieved, medication administration has to be stepped down to improve ease of use and avoid unnecessary side-effects.
Asthma is the most common chronic illness of childhood. The prevalence is rising and the mortality and morbidity from asthma are unacceptably high in South Africa. This article emphasizes the importance to make a correct diagnosis based, most importantly, on the clinical history and supported by inv...estigations. Further, the appropriate drug and device must be chosen to achieve good asthma control. It explains that patients must be followed up regularly and their asthma control must be assessed so that the treatment can then be adjusted according to the level of control. Additionally, Asthma education and adherence are important components of management of the condition.
9th edition; 4th English edition 2020