Informe mundial sobre las drogas
This brief gives an overview of disability rights in the Sub-Saharan region, with focus on Sida partner countries; DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Prepared for the Stunting Prevention and Reduction Project - The project Medical Waste Management Plan’s (MWMP) overall objective is to prevent and/or mitigate the negative effects of increased generation of medical waste on human health and the environment. The plan proposes measures to prevent t...he spread of infection and reduce the
exposure of health workers, patients and the general public to the risks from medical waste. The plan is to be used by all project implementation entities to manage medical waste associated with
project activities. These entities will have appropriate procedures and capacities in place to manage the medical waste.
This report has been developed, based on data provided by the TB & ORD surveillance system from across Rwanda. It provides a comprehensive picture of the occurrence and management of TB & ORD and Leprosy in Rwanda. It is structured based on the 2013-2018 Rwanda TB national strategic plan (2013-2018 ...TB NSP) and on the 2014-2018 Rwanda Leprosy national strategic plan (2014-2018 Leprosy NSP).
Country Progress Report January 2008 - December 2009
The target audience for this guideline is primarily for health care providers nurses, doctors, social workers and other people involved in HIV response in Rwanda so that they are capable of offering quality care services to patients over a long time. The new National Guidelines for Prevention and Ma...nagement of HIV and STIs are articulated in accordance to treat all HIV+ patients regardless of CD4 count and a new service delivery model to support its implementation.
This booklet provides policymakers, planners, and other interested parties with insight into the current state of the Rwandan health sector. These statistics provide a basis for policies, strategies, and planned interventions to ensure they are responsive to the needs of the health sector and,, are focused on addressing current priorities that aim to improve the health of the Rwandan population.
Depuis plus de dix ans, des journalistes sénégalais et internationaux, des défenseurs des droits de l’homme et des experts en protection de l’enfance ont documenté et dénoncé l’exploitation, la maltraitance et la négligence dont sont victimes des enfants qui vivent dans de nombreuses é...coles coraniques traditionnelles, ou daaras, au Sénégal. Des milliers de ces enfants, appelés talibés, continuent de vivre dans des conditions de misère extrême, privés de nourriture et de soins médicaux adéquats.
A série ‘Informes Orçamentais’ consiste na análise e simplificação de instrumentos públicos de planificação, orçamentação e políticas sociais em Moçambique para a melhor compreensão pública.
This inventory has been compiled by WHO/Europe to help facilitate monitoring and reporting of national policies for the prevention of violence and injuries, in close collaboration with national focal persons officially nominated by ministries of health and with support from the European Commission (...EC).
The documents in the inventory reflect policy initiatives undertaken at national level in countries across the Region by different sectors involved in the prevention of violence and injuries, such as health, justice, interior, social affairs, transport.
Information can be viewed and searched on a country basis or in a summary table, listing all countries, by clicking one of the tabs above. This facilitates the sharing of information by Member States and comparisons across the WHO European Region.
This inventory is one of the products of a joint WHO/EC project on preventing injury and promoting safety in Europe.
More information about prevention of violence and injuries can be found in the WHO/Europe website on violence and injury prevention.
Unaccompanied and separated children leave their countries of origin for a variety of reasons. They may
be fleeing from persecution, armed conflict, exploitation or poverty. They may have been sent by members
of their family or decided to leave on their own – be it to ensure their survival, or t...o obtain an education or
employment. They may have been separated from their family during flight or may be trying to join parents
or other family members. Or they may have become victims of trafficking. Often it is a combination of