Были подготовлены "запросы" о принятии частными предприятиями конкретных мер в связи с пандемией КОВИД19 .
Geographical Paper No. 177
Accessed on: 18.06.2020
Please select your country to find the relevant information on COVID-19
This is a stressful time. Take care of yourself, so you can support your children.
Updated 8 June 2020
This curriculum will help you, and your community, understand the science of the virus that causes COVID-19 and other viruses like it. It will help you to figure out how this virus is impacting or affecting you or may impact you in the future. It will help you to understand the actions that you can ...take to keep yourself and your community safe.
It is available in 15 languages. Download for free at the website
This is a series of social media cards for caregivers, ill people, family members, and COVID-19 in the household.
Le Covid-19 est une infection transmise par l'air. Cela signifie que le virus est transmis par l'appareil respiratoire de la personne atteinte, en particulier lorsqu'elle tousse ou parle à voix haute.
This guidance note aims to ensure continuity of case management service provision as well as appropriate response to cases associated with the disease during the COVID-19 crisis in Myanmar. Outlined below are priority areas that Child Protection Case Management agencies should focus on
This What Matters? edition focuses on Covid-19 rumours circulating in the Rohingya camps of Cox’s Bazar. It explores some of the more common rumours, discusses sources and formats of information, presents community perspectives about rumours and communication, and suggests approaches to with the Rohingya community about Covid-19.
Proporcionar recomendaciones sobre la gestión de cadáveres en el contexto del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) en las instalaciones de atención de salud. Estas recomendaciones son preliminares y están sujetas a revisión a medida que se disponga de nuevas evidencias.
Fornecer recomendações sobre manejo de cadáveres no contexto do novo coronavírus (COVID-19) em locais de assistência à saúde. Essas recomendações são preliminares e estão sujeitas à revisão conforme novas evidências forem disponibilizadas.
The WHO Labour Care Guide is a tool that aims to support good-quality, evidence-based, respectful care during labour and childbirth, irrespective of the setting or level of health care. This manual has been developed to help skilled health personnel to successfully use the WHO Labour Care Guide. The... manual will also be of interest to staff involved in training health care personnel, health-care facility managers, and implementers and managers of maternal and child health services.
Ces affiches et brochures ont été produites en mars 2020 en réponse à la crise du COVID-19.
These posters and brochures were produced in March 2020 as a response to the COVID-19 crisis.
This series of social media cards shares information on how to support older populations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lignes directrices provisoires
17 janvier 2020
Le présent document a été rédigé en s’appuyant sur divers documents existants de l’OMS, y compris les lignes directrices de l’OMS relatives au dépistage en laboratoire du MERS-CoV (1-11). À mesure que de nouvelles informations seront r...ecueillies concernant l’étiologie, les manifestations cliniques et la transmission de la maladie dans le groupe de patients atteints de maladie respiratoire à Wuhan, l’OMS continuera de suivre l’évolution de la situation et révisera si nécessaire les présentes recommandations.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of our lives. With schools closed and lockdowns imposed, many children and young people are spending all their time at home. Much of that time may be spent online, often for much longer than is usual.
Being able to connect online provides valuable op...portunities to learn, play and socialize with friends and peers and access information and support. It is therefore extremely important for children and young people. However, spending time online comes with risks