Le présent document accompagne le document d’orientation provisoire Renforcer la préparation à l’épidémie de COVID-19 dans les villes et autres milieux urbains, qui vient compléter le plan stratégique de préparation et de riposte et la mise à jour de la stratégie
Experiences and recommendations from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
Measures imposed by governments to prevent the spread of the disease, including lockdown restrictions, quarantines, physical distancing, and their economic and social consequences, further increase this dist...ress and the risk of mental health problems.
This document provides guidance on interventions to prevent vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks in the context of mass population movement resulting from the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) collected evidence through field missions and from other sources reporting on the situation in March, May and October 2022.
In parallel, it launched a large-scale online survey of those fleeing Ukraine. This aimed to gather personal experiences... of their journey to, arrival in and settling in the EU. The survey covered displaced people, including many children, in the 10 EU Member States hosting large numbers of people registered for temporary protection.
This annual report gives an overview of WHO lesotho Country office's undertakings and achievements in the context of an extraordinary health emergency. As we walk another mile this year, may we embrace all lessonst leanred in the previous year, learn from what did not work so well and take on new op...portunities in championing health in the country.
Member States of the Region have initiated processes to strengthen leadership and governance for mental health. Several countries have developed and implemented mental health plans, strategies and legislations. Direct spending on mental health needs to be increased throughout the Region through the ...health sector as well as other relevant sectors.
Cholera remains a significant public health threat in many countries worldwide. In resource-constrained settings, it disproportionately affects thousands of poor and vulnerable population
World Vision’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) approach actively strives to examine, question, and change harmful social norms and power imbalances as a means of reaching gender equality and social inclusion objectives in a programme area.
This reference guide is designed to help WASH... practitioners implement GESI-transformative WASH programmes by supporting change across all five GESI domains – access, decision-making, participation, systems, and well-being. It provides information on how to design, implement, monitor and evaluate a WASH project or programme to address GESI.
Esta publicación hace eco de la obra titulada Administración sanitaria de emergencia
con posterioridad a los desastres naturales (Publicación Científica No. 407) editada en
1981, pero es un libro totalmente nuevo, de organización reciente y con mucho material original. Esboza la función que... desempeña el sector salud en la reducción del efecto de los desastres y describe la manera de realizar esa tarea. Estas pautas tienen por fin presentar un marco seguro para que los administradores adopten decisiones acertadas para la gestión de actividades del sector salud destinadas a menguar las consecuencias de los desastres. No se han formulado con la intención de abordar todas las situaciones imprevistas. De hecho, quizá sea preciso adaptar algunos de los procedimientos recomendados para atender ciertas necesidades locales.
La presente versióna es una actualización de los lineamientos entregados al sector salud en marzo de 2020, los cuales posteriormente fueron adaptados para la Mesa Intersectorial de Salud Mental y Apoyo Psicosocial en la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres. Las recomendaciones han sido elaboradas en ...función de las
orientaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y del Comité Permanente entre Organismos [IASC], el Modelo chileno de Protección de la Salud Mental en la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres, y a la experiencia en el abordaje de emergencias y desastres.
The document is primarily meant to inform mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) staff, such as: psychologists, psychosocial counsellors, social workers, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and others who are involved providing individual or group counselling, psychotherapy and/or psychiatric... treatment for Syrians