Leishmaniasis is still considered to be a global health problem, which spreads in most countries in the world. Leishmania is an intracellular obligate protistan parasite that causes different clinical symptoms in infected humans and other animals. There are clinically different types of the disease ...including: visceral, cutaneous or muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis. Approximately, two million new infections occurring annually; 0.7 to 1.2 million cases are recorded with cutaneous leishmaniasis and 200,000–400,000 cases return for visceral leishmaniasis. However, Cutaneous leishmaniasis considers one of uncontrolled wobbling endemic diseases, especially in Iraq, which occurs at the skin to cause a dermal lesion. Usually, the lesion is spontaneously healed to leave a colorless depressed scar and permanent immunity.
Background: East African trypanosomiasis is an uncommon, potentially lethal disease if not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. South Africa, as a centre for emergency medical evacuations from much of sub-Saharan Africa, receives a high proportion of these patients, mostly tourists and expatria...te residents.
Methods: The cases of East African trypanosomiasis patients evacuated to South Africa, for whom diagnostic and clinical management advice was provided over the years 2004–2018, were reviewed, using the authors’ own records and those of collaborating clinicians.
Results: Twenty-one cases were identified. These originated in Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, and Uganda. Nineteen cases (90%) had stage 1 (haemolymphatic) disease; one of these patients had fatal myocarditis. Of the two patients with stage 2 (meningoencephalitic) disease, one died of melarsoprol encephalopathy. Common problems were delayed diagnosis, erroneous assessment of severity, and limited access to treatment.
Conclusions: The key to early diagnosis is recognition of the triad of geographic exposure, tsetse fly bites, and trypanosomal chancre, plus good microscopy. Elements for successful management are rapid access to specific drug treatment, skilled intensive care, and good laboratory facilities. Clinical experience and the local stock of antitrypanosomal drugs from the World Health Organization have improved the chance of a successful outcome in the management of East African trypanosomiasis in South Africa; the survival rate over the period was 90.5%.
Este informe es el primero de la serie «Intención de pasar a la acción» de la OMS, cuyo objetivo es mejorar la limitada base de evidencia sobre la repercusión de la participación constructiva y abordar la falta de enfoques normalizados sobre cómo hacer operativa dicha participación. La serie... «Intención de pasar a la acción» pretende conseguirlo proporcionando una plataforma desde la que personas con experiencias vividas, y defensores de organizaciones e instituciones, puedan compartir soluciones, dificultades y prácticas prometedoras relacionadas con esta agenda transversal. Esta serie también tiene como objetivo proporcionar poderosas historias, inspiración y evidencia de cara a la Cuarta Reunión de Alto Nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre las ENT que se celebrará en 2025, así como lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas para 2030.
Para ello, este informe incluye seis estudios de casos procedentes de 12 personas con experiencias vividas de diversas dolencias. Se analizan temas como la dinámica del poder y la reorientación del poder hacia las personas con experiencias vividas; la toma de decisiones informada y la alfabetización sanitaria; la implicación de la comunidad en redes sanitarias y sistemas de salud más amplios; la experiencia vivida como evidencia y conocimientos; la exclusión y la importancia de implicar a los grupos que están marginados; y la promoción y los derechos humanos
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
Food-borne trematode infections are zoonotic, and their pathogens can be transmitted to humans only after the completion of a complex life cycle, some stages of which take place in the body of an intermediate animal host. The first intermediate hosts of all tr...ematode species are freshwater snails. The second host varies depending on the species: in the case of clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis it is freshwater fish, and in the case of paragonimiasis it is crustaceans.
Website last accessed ob 14.04.2023
Los trematodos transmitidos por los alimentos son zoonosis y sus patógenos sólo pueden transmitirse al ser humano tras completar un complejo ciclo vital, algunas de cuyas etapas tienen lugar en un hospedador animal intermediario. El primer hospedador interme...diario de todas las especies de trematodos son los caracoles de agua dulce. El segundo hospedador difiere según la especie: en el caso de la clonorquiasis y la opistorquiasis son los peces de agua dulce, y en el de la paragonimiasis, los crustáceos.
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
Food-borne trematode infections are zoonotic, and their pathogens can be transmitted to humans only after the completion of a complex life cycle, some stages of which take place in the body of an intermediate animal host. The first intermediate hosts of all tr...ematode species are freshwater snails. The second host varies depending on the species: in the case of clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis it is freshwater fish, and in the case of paragonimiasis it is crustaceans.
En la Región de las Américas, las poblaciones están envejeciendo y se está experimentando una rápida transición demográfica. El índice de envejecimiento, que refleja el tamaño de los grupos de mayor edad por 100 en comparación con los menores de 15 años, demuestra claramente el aumento de... las personas de 60 años o más. En comparación con las tendencias mundiales, la Región tendrá un mayor número de personas de 60 años o más que de menores de 15 años para el 2030, aproximadamente 25 años antes que el promedio mundial. La pandemia de COVID-19 ha dado pie a una crisis de salud sin precedentes en todo el mundo. Sus efectos en las personas mayores y aquellas con enfermedades subyacentes han puesto de manifiesto los desafíos de abordar sus necesidades durante una emergencia de salud pública. Dada esta transición demográfica, es fundamental reflexionar acerca de la preparación de los sistemas y servicios con vistas a atender las necesidades de este grupo de población, incluidas la mejora de la planificación para casos de emergencia y la protección de las personas mayores.
Esta publicación forma parte de una serie titulada La Década del Envejecimiento Saludable en las Américas: situación y desafíos
The chapter Fostering Health Systems’ Monitoring to Better Serve Older Populations is part of the publication series entitled Decade of Healthy Aging: Situation and Challenges. The publications are designed to favor the prioritization of effective actions at the local level as well as the monitori...ng of data and public health policies, and providing evidence-based information. Along with the objective of presenting the available updated knowledge about the situation of health and aging at the beginning of the Decade of Healthy Aging in the Americas, this publication gives information about health systems’ monitoring to better serve the needs of older adults and emphasizes the need for societies and health systems to better adapt to an aging population. It introduces the 360-tool as a guide to adapt health systems through monitoring tracers/indicators and highlighting the data and information that is readily available, disaggregated by age. This information can aid in decision-making and resource allocation to support older adults’ needs. Concerning the 360-tool development, a consensus has been reached on seven tracer indicators with high relevance to informing policy, and case studies in selected countries have assessed the feasibility of this approach. The list of indicators and the process related to the development of the tool are presented in this publication. The Decade of Healthy Aging 2021-2030 is a period to guide action towards the transformation of societies by fostering the inclusion of older people in every decision. This publication intends to contribute to this strategy and highlight the upcoming challenges and opportunities on healthy aging.
Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis is, together with geohelminths, the neglected disease that causes more loss of years of healthy life due to disability in Latin America. Chagas disease, as determined by the factors and determinants, shows that different contexts require different actions, ...preventing new cases or reducing the burden of disease. Control strategies must combine two general courses of action including prevention of transmission to prevent the occurrence of new cases (these measures are cost effective), as well as opportune diagnosis and treatment of infected individuals in order to prevent the clinical evolution of the disease and to allow them to recuperate their health. All actions should be implemented as fully as possible and with an integrated way, to maximise the impact. Chagas disease cannot be eradicated due because of the demonstrated existence of infected wild triatomines
in permanent contact with domestic cycles and it contributes to the occurrence of at least few new cases. However, it is possible to interrupt the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in a large territory and to eliminate Chagas disease
as a public health problem with a dramatic reduction of burden of the disease.
Integrating neglected tropical diseases into global health and development: fourth WHO report on neglected tropical diseases evaluates the changing global public health landscape; assesses progress towards the 2020 targets; and considers the possible core elements of a strategic vision to integratin...g neglected tropical diseases into the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Advances have been made through expanded interventions delivered through five public health approaches: innovative and intensified disease management; preventive chemotherapy; vector ecology and management; veterinary public health services; and the provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene. In 2015 alone nearly one billion people were treated for at least one disease and significant gains were achieved in relieving the symptoms and consequences of diseases for which effective tools are scarce; important reductions were achieved in the number of new cases of sleeping sickness, of visceral leishmaniasis in South-East Asia and also of Buruli ulcer.
The report also considers vector control strategies and discusses the importance of the draft WHO Global Vector Control Response 2017–2030. It argues that veterinary public health requires a multifaceted approach across the human–animal interface as well as a multisectoral programme of work to protect and improve the physical, mental and social well-being of humans, including veterinary, water, sanitation and hygiene.
Integration of activities and interventions into broader health systems is crucial, and despite challenges, has the potential to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage while advancing the 2030 Agenda.
In short, this report drives the message home that “no one must be left behind”.
Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne tropical/subtropical disease caused by an intracellular parasite transmitted to humans by sand fly bite. It is endemic in Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the Mediterranean region. Worldwide reports include 1.5–2 million new cases each year, more than 300 million at ...risk of acquiring the disease, and 70,000 deaths per year. Clinical features depend on the Leishmania species and immune response of the host, varying from localized cutaneous disease to visceral form with potentially fatal outcome; however, the common presentation is either cutaneous, mucocutaneous, or visceral leishmaniasis. Many therapeutic agents are being used in Leishmania treatment, but the only effective treatment is achieved with current pentavalent antimonials. WHO considers Leishmaniasis as one of the “Neglected Tropical Diseases” that continues to be prevalent despite international, national, and local efforts towards its control and elimination over the last decade. This chapter reviews the global perspective of Leishmaniasis with increasing recognition of emerging “Atypical forms” and new surge of disease across the world mainly due to increasing conflicts in endemic areas leading to forced migration among other causes. All these challenges related to environment, disease, and vector pose major implications on WHO’s leishmaniasis control and elimination plan.
This country profile presents a summary and analysis of Argentina's status with yellow fever. It is part of a series of profiles on this topic, each focusing on a different country in the Region of the Americas. Argentina's geographical location presents a wide territorial extension throughout diffe...rent latitudes, which determines a wide climatic variety, maintaining the conditions for the enzootic transmission of the yellow fever virus in jungle areas of the northeast of the country bordering Brazil and Paraguay. After controlling the major urban epidemics that hit the port city of Buenos Aires in the 20th century, Argentina maintains foci of enzootic activity in the northeast and isolated human cases for jungle acquisition. The increases in viral activity usually occur in a regional context of epizootics that affect southern Brazil and eastern Paraguay. Argentina has not presented autochthonous cases since 2008. Outbreaks have been sporadic with long intervals without evidence of viral activity.
EN ESTA EDICIÓN: Vacunación oral contra el cólera en la isla de La Española | Segunda reunión anual de la Comisión Regional de Monitoreo y Reverificación de la Eliminación del Sarampión y la Rubéola | Certificados digitales como ejemplo de transformación digital en la inmunización | La O...PS desarrolla un programa piloto de implantación de indicadores de monitoreo y evaluación con el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia mediante datos de su Registro Nominal de Vacunación Electrónico | Clasificación final de casos en la Región de las Américas, 2022.