Guidance for clinical case management of thrombosis syndrome with thrombocytopenia (TTS) following vaccination to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Interim guidance 19 July 2021
Neurology and COVID-19. Scientific report 29 September 2021
La evolución de los acontecimientos y el esfuerzo conjunto de la comunidad científica mundial, hangeneradogran cantidad de información que se modificarápidamente con nuevas evidencias. Este documento pretende hacer unresumen analítico de la evidencia científica dispo...niblehasta el momento en torno a la epidemiología, características microbiológicas y clínicas del COVID-19.En esta actualización se añaden los hallazgos acerca de la transmisiónen periodo asintomático y a partir de aerosoles y superficies inanimadas, así como las características de los principales grupos de riesgo. Para información relativa a medicamentos relacionados con COVID-19 se puede consultar la web de la Agencia Española del Medicamento y ProductosSanitarios:
2nd edition.
T The Compendium has been developed as a clear and concise instrument to facilitate the understanding and planning of delivery of high-quality care for everybody affected by TB. It incorporates all recent policy guidance from WHO; follows the care pathway of persons with signs or sympt...oms of TB in seeking diagnosis, treatment and care; and includes key algorithms and cross-cutting elements that are essential to a patient-centered approach in the cascade of TB care.
The Compendium is structured into 33 WHO standards and consolidates all current WHO TB policy recommendations into a single resource, with electronic links to the individual, comprehensive WHO policy guidelines
Как и руководство 2006 года, настоящий документ предназначен для специалистов,
занимающихся разработкой государственных программ по борьбе с туберкулезом, педиатр...ов и других работников здравоохранения в странах с низким и средним уровнем дохода. Эти рекомендации не подходят для стран с высоким уровнем дохода, где распространенность ТБ невысока. Особенно важно проводить это различие при выборе методов диагностики и обследовании контактных лиц.
The Compendium brings together for the first time key consensus-based policy recommendations and guidance to improve the delivery of proven interventions to women and children. The user-friendly format incorporates icons and tabs to present key health-related policies that support the delivery of es...sential RMNCH interventions. It also includes multisectoral policies on the economic, social, technological and environmental factors that influence health outcomes and service delivery. The Policy Compendium is a companion document to the Essential Interventions, Commodities and Guidelines for RMNCH.
Pharmaceutical regulators are at the forefront of ensuring that only safe and effective medicines are authorized and available in the market. This document builds on the recommendations in the above publication and has been prepared to specifically assist national medicines regulatory authorities to... understand the nature and extent of oxytocin quality issues and to provide key technical information and quality requirements for oxytocin products in dossier assessments. Furthermore, this document also presents recommendations on other regulatory actions needed to ensure that only quality-assured oxytocin products are authorized and made available to women.
O presente documento destina-se afornecer orientações provisórias para a definição de casos de GBSe estratégias para gerir a síndrome, no contexto do vírus Zikae sua potencial associação com a GBS. Odocumento pretende informar a elaboração de protocolos clínicos locais e de políticas d...e saúde relacionadas com os cuidados a dispensar aos doentes com GBS. Em Março de 2016, será organizada uma reunião de peritos para elaborar outras orientações destinadas a identificar e gerir a GBS e outros possíveis distúrbios neurológicos,no contexto da transmissão do vírus Zika.
El objetivo del presente documento consiste en ofrecer
orientaciones provisionales sobre la definición de los casos
de SGB y las estrategias para tratar el síndrome en el
contexto del brote de virus de Zika y de su posible relación
con el SGB. Asimismo, pretende servir como base para la
elab...oración de protocolos clínicos y políticas sanitarias
locales relacionadas con la atención a los pacientes con
SGB. En marzo de 2016 se organizará una reunión de
expertos para elaborar más orientaciones sobre la
identificación y el tratamiento del SGB y otros posibles
trastornos neurológicos en el contexto de la transmisión del
virus de Zika.