The framework responds to the demand from Member States and partners for guidance on how the health sector and its operational basis in health systems can systematically and effectively address the challenges increasingly presented by climate variability and change. This framework has been designed light of the increasing evidence of climate change and its associated health risks (1); global, regional and national policy mandates to protect population health (2); and a rapidly emerging body of practical experience in building health resilience to climate change (3).
Ce manuel donne une vue d’ensemble des connaissances scientifiques actuelles sur l’infection à VIH ainsi que des technologies et des outils utilisés pour prévenir cette infection, pour améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes infectées et pour réduire les effets du VIH sur les enfants et... leur famille. Le manuel présente aussi les stratégies nécessaires pour atteindre les personnes ayant besoin de ces interventions et définit leurs normes.
Руководство ВОЗ по информированию и гармонизации процессов обеспечения готовности и реагирования при пандемии на национальном и международном уровне
Руководс...во ВОЗ "Управление рисками, связанными с пандемией гриппа", содержит обновленную информацию и заменяет "Руководство ВОЗ по обеспечению готовности к пандемии гриппа и ответным мерам", которое было опубликовано в 2009 г.
This consultative version of the guideline is the product of literature reviews, discussions and contributions from diverse stakeholders, as well as UNISDR-nominated experts appointed specifically for the development of the Words into Action guideline for Build back better in recovery, rehabilitatio...n and reconstruction.
Disaster impacted countries and communities are oftentimes much better equipped to Build Back Better during the extended period of recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction when they have taken actions to strengthen recovery capacity and decision-making effectiveness prior to the onset of disaster.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is committed to ensuring the effective implementation of this strategy, which will contribute to the overall wellbeing and health of all adolescent boys and girls of Bangladesh
2nd edition. These guidelines provide guidance on the diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the use of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection and the care of people living with HIV. They are structured along the continuum of HIV testing, prevention,... treatment and care
African Evaluation Journal
ISSN: (Online) 2306-5133, (Print) 2310-4988
Background: For some years, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society have
become increasingly involved in the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. But even
though their role is well appreciated, actions are perceived as ineffective because of a lack
of monitoring and evaluation capacity.
Objective: This paper aims to describe local HIV/AIDS NGOs’ involvement in evaluation and
the characteristics of this involvement.
Patients and TB: Improving treatment outcomes through a patient centred approach and access to new treatments
5th TB Symposium – Eastern Europe and Central Asia Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and Médecins Sans Frontières
22- 23 March , 2016 , TBILISI , GEORGIA
From policy to practice: how the TB-HIV response is working
“The HIV community must place much more focus on TB co-infection than
it has done to date. TB takes the lives of over 1000 people living with HIV
every day, a number which is absolutely unacceptable. This report highlights that
TB d...oesn’t have to be a death sentence for people living with HIV, but we need
more action. By joining forces, the HIV and TB community can finally give this
deadly issue the attention it deserves.”
– Mike Podmore, Director STOPAIDS
Rev Panam Salud Publica 40(6), 2016